
Homeboy Industries 5k + Community Fest

Dove Communications, Inc. is a proud sponsor of Homeboy Industries 5k Run + Community Fest. We truly honor their mission, and we are thrilled to be a part of this momentous event that allows us to celebrate and give back to our community. In the last 30 years, Homeboy Industries has...


Move Your Physical Security to the Cloud

The success of a security solution often relies on the connectivity of a variety of devices. In order for various devices to work together efficiently and seamlessly, integration is A MUST. Two Cloud-Based Systems = Double the Benefits Dove Communications, Inc. are proud sponsors of both Eagle Eye Networks and Brivo who...


2 Quick Ways to Protect Your Data

Looking for ways to protect your data and IT infrastructure from cyber criminals? There are so many facets of cyber security. It can be overwhelming, but it’s imperative that you take that first step, or two. Here are two effective methods that you can easily implement. Employee Training Employee training is a crucial...

Enterprise-Level Password Management Solution for Businesses

Password Best Practices

According to a report by Verizon, weak or stolen passwords are responsible for 80% of data breaches, while 60% of users reuse the same password across multiple accounts. Maintaining good password hygiene is essential to protect against these threats and keep your assets secure. Weak or compromised passwords can easily be hacked,...


The Powerful Impact of AI on Unified Communications

The integration of AI, is revolutionizing the world of unified communications (UC). This blog will delve into how AI is reshaping UC systems and explore the myriad of benefits it brings to businesses and individuals alike. Enhancing UC Capabilities UC goes beyond voice and video communication, encompassing messaging, collaboration, and content-sharing....


Why Go to the Cloud?

For several years, cloud technology has been one of the most talked about subjects in business technology circles. By now, most business owners have heard that cloud computing is transforming the way their peers do business, and they’ve been inundated with talk of how the cloud enables small businesses to...


Cloud is No Longer a Future Business Goal, It’s an Immediate Business Need

The current COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated the need to accelerate the shift to the cloud, leading to a noticeable increase in the demand for cloud-based video surveillance systems. At Eagle Eye Networks, we’ve identified several trends driving the shift from on-site video surveillance systems to cloud video surveillance solutions. Why Business...


Emergency Diverted!

See how Dove’s services and installed surveillance equipment provided peace of mind for one of our preferred customers. “I just wanted to share this with you. On Sunday morning, my factory fire alarm was triggered.  Although it was ultimately a false alarm (thank goodness), the fire department was dispatched.  When I was...


Start The New Year Right: Top 5 Reasons (Reminders) To Switch Cloud Phones

With a new year, we are all looking forward to a fresh start.  Yet, there is still at least several more months of many businesses working from home. Similarly, even in a post-pandemic reality our business norms have shifted and remote or semi-remote work forces are surely here to stay...


Dove Phones – 10 Reasons to Switch to SIP VOIP Phone Lines!

In recent years, analog phone lines have increased in costs and offers limited functionality. SIP lines are quickly becoming the preferred choice for businesses. According to research, more than 20 percent of businesses installed SIP lines in North America recently.  Businesses who have the latest convenient features of unified communication and mobility offers an opportunity...