Why Go to the Cloud?
For several years, cloud technology has been one of the most talked about subjects in business technology circles. By now, most business owners have heard that cloud computing is transforming the way their peers do business, and they’ve been inundated with talk of how the cloud enables small businesses to cut IT costs and operate more efficiently. But for many small businesses, the cloud is a pretty nebulous idea, and they have a wispy notion of its potential business value.
When in reality, it’s any business of any size who can benefit the most from the cloud.
Here are our top reasons why.
- Reduction of Costs: Significant savings can be achieved since the cloud’s mass scale computing minimizes onsite physical storage hardware and internal IT staffing.
- Anytime, Anywhere Access: Since data access is no longer restricted to a solitary employee or physical device, users can access, share and collaborate in the cloud whenever and from wherever they please. Our favorite cloud-based application is Microsoft 365!
- Better Collaboration: The cloud is available on-demand to computers and other devices from any location at any point of time. This allows for better collaborative efforts among teams given today’s increasingly dispersed mobile workforce. Today’s businesses can share data and collaborate across their organization in a way that was once only possible with a highly competent System Administrator.
- Greater Scalability: Cloud-based services offer greater flexibility to scale IT needs up or down as the varying business environment demands. As you grow, so does the cloud.
- Faster Deployment: Cloud-based services can be deployed within just an hour or a few days rather than the weeks or months it often takes to strategically plan, buy, build and implement an internal IT infrastructure.
- Environmental Friendliness: The cloud’s energy efficiency is attractive to any company conscientious about the environment and wanting to be “green.” The Berkeley Lab conducted a six-month study that determined that shifting 86 million U.S. office workers to the cloud reduced energy usage by 87 percent. That’s enough left over electricity to power the city of Los Angeles for one year.
- Improved Security: Although some may cite security concerns as the reason they’re reluctant to move to the cloud, there are actually very few data breaches involving cloud providers. Most data breaches in the U.S. are due to lost, stolen, or discarded devices and paper records, rogue employees, payment fraud, and unintentional employee error. Data in the cloud may actually be more secure than data stored on computers, laptops, and company servers with an array of security vulnerabilities. Unlike a laptop, the cloud can’t be left behind in a hotel lobby. Most businesses cannot secure their datacenter with the advanced tools, encryption methods, frequent testing, and third–party certifications used by cloud service providers.
- Business Continuity: Data storage and backup is one of the most frequently used cloud-based services. Many cloud service providers offer unlimited storage capability, automated data sync and backup processes that reduce or eliminate downtime events.
The benefits of reduced costs and complexity, flexible scalability, and lower per unit cost are simply too alluring to ignore. Concerns about security are valid but small businesses today may actually be exposing themselves to more breach vulnerabilities by not being in the cloud. The notion that data must be on-site to truly be secure is as misguided as the belief that money is safer tucked beneath a mattress than in a bank.
This isn’t a dark or ominous cloud hovering over us. It’s fluffy, white and full of possibilities. It’s a “happy little cloud” as famed PBS oil painter Bob Ross would say.
Dove Communications, Inc. offers all types of cloud solutions that include, but are certainly not limited to: Microsoft Office 365, VoIP Phone Systems, cloud-based access control and surveillance systems, and so much more.
Need more guidance on what’s needed to transition safely and cost-efficiently? We’re here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation at news@dovecom.com or 213-234-2500.