Tracer automatically records, stores and organizes telephone conversations in a central, secure server. Using a variety of audio connections, telephone system integration and recording triggers, you can target those conversations that have lasting impact on your business. Taking advantage of it’s Call Monitor option, you can selectively listen to calls as they happen. Just choose from a view of active telephone calls both by outside party and internal telephone extension.
Tracer brings multiple benefits into any business environment. Chief among these are liability protection, training and activity reporting. These benefits are targeted at appropriate individuals throughout the organization through unlimited user accounts for search, playback and share functions. Authorized users can view all recordings or a restricted selection based on factors such as telephone extension numbers and inbound numbers dialed by your callers. Tracer gives every authorized user secure access to encrypted recordings anywhere, anytime they are needed, through an easy-to-use web browser interface
With a variety of configurations to meet the varied and unique needs of small- and medium-sized businesses,Tracer will store from 14,000 up to 50,000 hours of recordings and automatically archive them according to your needs. Archive to the included DVD burner or across your Local Area Network (LAN) to a storage device of your choosing,