AT&T has a unique combination of strengths that makes us your single choice for education technology services.
AT&T has a unique combination of strengths that makes us your single choice for education technology services. We have a deep bench of talent to call on when it comes to knowledge about the issues facing K-12 schools. Combine this knowledge with reliable and innovative AT&T e-business products and services, and you’ll find tools that meet educational challenges.
E-business tools are fundamentally transforming key processes of school administration and instruction. With AT&T services, schools connect critical information systems directly to key constituencies – administrators, teachers, students and parents – via intranets, voice systems, and the Web. With society in the midst of transformation, efficient operations and effective instruction must continuously improve, as well. This requires robust, up-to-the-minute information sharing and management processes to keep up with the transformation.
Financial institutions are interested in technology that will improve their ability to manage customer traffic, run operations more smoothly, respond immediately, and increase cost effectiveness
Financial Services Industry in Transition
The Financial Services industry is undergoing a major transition. Developments in technology, economics, demographics, regulation, and even politics are all leading to a tumultuous period during the next five years. The marketplace dynamics fueling this transition include the rapid development of communications technology, and more specifically the Internet, along with consumers’ demand for “anytime, anywhere” access to their accounts. In addition, industry deregulation and consolidation are leading to a convergence of formerly separate banking, brokerage, and insurance institutions. The recent repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act paves the way for even more megamergers. The advent of the European Monetary Union and the successful launch of the Euro in January 1999 have created a formidable presence in the world economy.
In response to these market developments, many financial services firms are reviewing and revitalizing cost control strategies and business process re-engineering (BPR) projects. Concurrently, these institutions are undergoing major efforts to diversify product and service delivery channels such as the Internet, the call center, and automated teller machines. Customer preferences continue to shift regarding the type of financial service products that are desired, as well as how and where these products are purchased. Financial institutions increasingly look to the use of technology to grow revenues and reduce costs, as well as satisfy customers needs.
As the Internet proves its value to consumers and to businesses, electronic commerce is being integrated rapidly into all service delivery channels. Online banking and bill payment services will emerge as one of the Internet’s fastest-growing markets and will be the critical factor allowing banks to maintain their role as the dominant provider of financial services. Online lending is also poised to be delivered over the Internet and to become a major new source of revenue for savvy
How AT&T Can Help
Financial institutions are interested in technology that will improve their ability to manage customer traffic, run operations more smoothly, respond immediately, and increase cost effectiveness. Technology leaders in banking face a challenging environment over the next five years. The problem of Y2K preparedness has absorbed a majority of your attention and resources for the past 36 months. Now the problem is fixed, and the emerging needs for the future must be addressed. Pressing technological decisions and actions confront bank executives today.
The degree to which financial institutions can harness technology to optimize customer relationships will have a major impact on their success in the coming years.
AT&T offers technology-based solutions to serve the needs of the financial industry. In addition to our superior technology, our people have the experience and dedication you can count on. AT&T is a business partner you can trust to handle your important financial transaction safely and securely, as always.
Our Future Together as a Team
As you continue to meet the challenging demands of the marketplace, you’ll be looking for the most effective ways to meet the needs of your customers while reducing operating costs. Electronic commerce is a part of that strategy. And regardless of which financial applications you want to migrate to the Web, AT&T can help you with the design, installation, hosting, and maintenance.
AT&T provides the partnership you need to facilitate changes in your company’s operations. We can be the single most important source for all your communications solutions.
AT&T Has The Solution You Need Ready To Go
- AT&T Internet Service
- Web-Enhanced Call Center Solution
- Local 800 Service
- Consolidated Billing Service
- Team Telework Connections
- eCenter Hosting Services
- Managed Security Services
- Managed VPN
- Virtual Prepaid Phone Card
- Asynchronous Transfer Mode
- Frame Relay
- Priority PVCs for Voice over Frame Relay
For more than 100 years, AT&T has been the trusted communications partner of governments throughout the Southeast, from the smallest municipalities to state capitals.
Nobody knows better than you how much government has changed in the last few years. While tax reductions and budget constraints have led to dramatic shifts in resources, service to the citizen has become even more critical. Now more than ever, it is vital for governments to find more effective and less costly ways to deliver services to constituents.
Governments cannot pick and choose where to provide service. Unlike the private sector, a key objective of local and state governments is to ensure the same quality of service to all constituents, regardless of location. Thus, education in rural areas must be equal to that of urban areas, access to healthcare in impoverished regions must be comparable to that of prosperous regions.
Citizens are demanding improved delivery of services from government. For example, they are not willing to wait in line for information, spend long periods of time on the telephone or go through any frustration when they need a service. New ways must be found to improve public service without increasing taxes. Governments are responding with Web-based services and call centers that provide more convenient citizen access to information and services
Economic development is another challenge. Increasingly, governments vie with each other to attract new companies to make the region prosper. A technologically advanced communications infrastructure, coupled with an understanding of advanced business processes and business applications, can be a determining factor in where relocating businesses choose to move.
With the increase in technology has come what many refer to as the “digital divide.” Some communities have access to a high propensity of PC users that are connected to the advantages of the Internet. Others languish behind due to economics or geography. Governments are increasingly aware of this new divider between the “haves” and the “have nots.” They are also searching for means to eliminate or at least reduce the gap between citizens that are connected to the Internet and those that are not connected.
How AT&T Can Help
For more than 100 years, AT&T has been the trusted communications partner of governments throughout the Southeast, from the smallest municipalities to state capitals. Because we live here, we personally experience all aspects of government from sanitation to crime protection to renewing a driver’s license. We understand your business needs.
Together, we can work to create public access and government e-commerce solutions so citizens and the private sector can have user-friendly access to information and services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Our Future Together as a Team
AT&T has been instrumental in many aspects of progressive development throughout the Southeast. The roots we have here are deep, substantial and ever growing. Groundbreaking endeavors such as state-wide information highways and video networks linking local and regional institutions are reflective of our commitment to the Southeast.
As the forces of change drive governments to new economic realities, information/communications technology becomes a valuable tool for improving productivity. AT&T will continue to assist in the process of “reengineering,” which will allow you to provide the highest possible level of service to citizens.
In short, AT&T Business is working to broaden the equality of service throughout the Southeast. It is an effort that will benefit us all.
AT&T Has The Solutions You Need Ready To Go
- Internet and IP Services
- Public Access Link
AT&T Business is ideally positioned to meet the industry’s unique needs, helping you care for your patients and run your hospital, clinic or office more efficiently and effectively.
The healthcare industry is undergoing profound and fundamental changes. Controlling costs without sacrificing quality of outcomes is a challenge for every provider. Healthcare represents one-seventh of the national economy. This fact underscores the importance of making choices that are efficient and beneficial to everyone involved.
Healthcare is facing one of the most challenging tasks of the new decade as they prepare to comply with the new regulations of the health Insurance Portability ACT (HIPAA). Healthcare organizations must begin adopting national standards for electronic transactions such as claims submission, eligibility, verification and referral authorization, as well as privacy and security regulations. The intent of HIPAA is to drive down operational costs and streamline how administrative and financial information about patients is shared by utilizing information technology.
As healthcare providers and payors prepare for this transformation, they are also evaluating strategic business and eHealth initiatives. Healthcare Internet commerce is expected to reach $370 billion by 2004, organized around a healthcare eBusiness network that serves consumers, providers, distribution chains and payors. As the healthcare industry adopts the techniques of the digital age as standard business practice, patients, providers and payors are becoming more reliant on robust voice and data networks that are secure and always available.
AT&T Business is ideally positioned to meet the industry’s unique needs, helping you care for your patients and run your hospital, clinic or office more efficiently and effectively. By providing system architectures that address confidentiality, data integrity and accessibility while ensuring reliability, we can help you meet strategic business initiatives in today’s evolving healthcare market.
Our preeminent position as a provider of voice, data, video and imaging equipment and services makes us the perfect partner to help you meet the challenges of the 21st century and create the future of healthcare.
AT&T Solutions for Healthcare
AT&T has a comprehensive portfolio of integrated network services and multimedia solutions for healthcare. These innovative business solutions help healthcare providers and payors deliver consistent, quality care while complying with regulations and reducing costs. And our advanced network technology ensures business solutions will have the flexibility and diversity to accommodate the reliability and security requirements unique to the healthcare industry.
AT&T eBusiness solutions for healthcare were created to help you leverage the power of the Web and positions you to respond the evolution toward delivering personalized healthcare and case arrangement plans. They also include a powerful set of platform-based modules that support multiple ways of accessing and delivering information – including phone, Internet, fax, pager and e-mail. And they are seamless -integrating AT&T voice and data customer premise equipment, interactive paging. Web-based applications and network services.
AT&T Healthcare Solutions are comprehensive, combining the resources of a team of experts with today’s most sophisticated technologies every step of the way – from analysis to design to implementation and ongoing support
Predictions suggest ISPs will be focussing on higher margins and profitability in the upcoming year
Though the Internet has existed since the late 60’s in one form or another, it has only flourished as the hottest new form of communications in the past six years. This fledgling industry is not only the fastest growing telecommunications market in history, but also has spawned entire technologies and redefined the way companies operate. The days of a government and scholastic network have given way to a commercial information highway that spans the globe.
The Internet Service Providers are very aware of the fast pace of the Internet. They are being driven to serve faster, serve more and serve smarter. This means not only providing access through network build-out, but also outsourcing where it makes business sense to do so. AT&T is positioned to provide the latest access technologies that can help the ISPs maximize their customer reach and speed, while minimizing the capital costs and expenses.
The Contribution and Benefits of Doing Business with AT&T
The North American ISP markets are undergoing rapid change from simple narrow-band Internet access to a broadband-centric, integrated full service provider market. They look to AT&T to assist them to make this transition in the most profitable manner. AT&T does so, by focusing our efforts on enabling the ISPs to:
- Increase reach to their customers
- Compete in their ever-changing markets
- Drive operations and cost efficiencies with a reliable network infrastructure
Increasing Speed and Reach for ISP customers
Both business and consumer Internet customers are demanding greater speed from their ISP. Business customers are running many mission-critical applications over the Internet and their data networks. Many of the business end-users (employees) are teleworking, not only requiring more speed, but also requiring access be provided over geographically dispersed areas. Consumers are also demanding fast and secure access for applications such as e-purchasing and electronic bill payment. These users are also located in various areas from large metropolitan areas to rural America. This demand for speed and reach, forces the Internet Service Provider to meet their customer demands or potentially lose them to the competition.
Giving ISPs the Competitive Edge
Predictions suggest ISPs will be focussing on higher margins and profitability in the upcoming year. To achieve such profits they will need to do more than just meet customer expectations for more speed and greater reach. They will need to deliver value-add services and premium customer service.
AT&T empowers ISPs to offer these “next generation solutions” by providing reliable network access and management, backed by service level agreements.
Driving operations and cost efficiencies with reliable network infrastructure solutions
As ISPs position themselves to supply the speed, reach and value-add services their customers’ demands, they must do so with their bottom lines in mind. AT&T provides the ISPs with a highly reliable network that they can bundle with their own value-add services and sell to their customers. As mentioned above, AT&T also has developed services to enable ISPs to gain operational and cost efficiencies.
With the latest technology from AT&T, however, today’s emergency call center operator can have a single computer desktop providing access to digital mapping, computer-aided dispatching (CAD), TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf), and national and state crime databases
The evolution of the 9-1-1 system has revolutionized efficient delivery of emergency services to our nation’s communities. But 9-1-1 is much more than a telephone number providing access to a call center; it involves a complex array of telecommunications systems and sophisticated technologies. AT&T plays an integral role in the provision of network services and development of these enhanced systems.
For many years AT&T has provided a key-based phone system that comprises the backbone of most Southeastern PSAPs (Public Safety Answering Points). With the latest technology from AT&T , however, today’s emergency call center operator can have a single computer desktop providing access to digital mapping, computer-aided dispatching (CAD), TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf), and national and state crime databases. We call this solution the Integrated Intelligent Workstation (IIWS).
Using IIWS, emergency call-taking personnel can improve response time and increase their efficiency. Budget conscious public officials appreciate the ability to provide more efficient service, while eliminating the cost of duplicate hardware. Even more, the new IIWS solution meets all challenges presented by the FCC’s Phase II compliance mandates for wireless calls. Even with these advances, AT&T basic 9-1-1 system continues to set the standard for counties who want to retain traditional phone-based service or do not have the need or public funding for Phase II compliance.
Among the products and services AT&T provides:
- AT&T Enhanced 9-1-1 Integrated Intelligent Workstations
- Network Services: Frame Relay
- Network Services: Managed Router Services
E9-1-1 Integrated Intelligent Workstation
The AT&T E9-1-1 IIWS replaces multiple computer monitors, keyboards and space-consuming equipment with a single desktop. All vital applications function simultaneously. Among the advantages offered:
- Full support of Phase I and II wireless requirements.
- Compliance with NENA (National Emergency Number Association)-specified technical standards.
- Flexible installation. The IIWS can be installed as a completely new system or integrated into existing configurations.
- Equipment consolidations, reducing maintenance and power consumption costs, while increasing emergency call handling efficiency.
- Sophisticated client/server technology. Equipment is based on the reliable Windows NT platform. Upgrades and enhancements are easily installed.
- Modular Growth. A comprehensive array of standard and customer software modules enables your system to expand as your needs evolve.
- Help when you need it. Questions about system operation or software applications are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Computer-Aided Dispatch Saves Time and Lives
Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) provides multiple advantages to the 9-1-1 center. It ensures consistent communications between operators and callers, and provides more accurate, timely data to responding units. Managing the diverse information needed to process 9-1-1 calls has never been easier. The AT&T CAD module simultaneously displays multiple windows on a single monitor, providing comprehensive data accessibility and functionality when seconds count most.
Achieve Phase II Compliance through Digital Mapping
AT&T helps customers achieve Phase II compliance by pinpointing wireless callers’ locations. On October 1, 2001, PSAPs have the authority to require wireless carriers to deliver exact x, y coordinates to a 9-1-1 call center. The dynamic Geographical Information System (GIS) enables operators to display a caller’s exact location on a digital map. Besides achieving regulatory compliance, this tool improves emergency capabilities. With additional enhancements, the center can guide emergency responders through the fastest recommended route using real-time traffic and road hazard data.
Management Information System
Intelligent Management Information Systems enable administrators to evaluate whether PSAPs are operating at peak efficiency. Standard or customized reports are available to assess cumulative data or examine details related to a particular call. As an advanced support tool, this sophisticated application organizes data to generate reliable operational statistical analyses. In addition, with comparative reporting capabilities and the ability to merge call record databases, a powerful tool exists for research and investigation purposes.
Enhanced Applications
Once the basic IIWS system is in place, you can add functions as community needs expand. AT&T ?s enhanced applications include:
Law Enforcement Records Management
A comprehensive records management system enhances a community’s law enforcement operations. Our package of modules enables agencies to track arrests, cases, citations, incidents, crimes and intelligence gathering. The Windows-based system is user-friendly and ensures efficient data storage and retrieval. The ability to interface with our 9-1-1 products helps prepare and protect officers responding to emergency calls.
Fire Records Management
The Fire Records Management System provides quick access to vital text and graphic information and eliminates manual procedures. This system is designed for efficient management, tracking and administration of fire stations through online access to all data required by regulatory agencies. Fire departments save time, enhance public safety, promote consistency, streamline reporting and increase fire fighter safety.
The AT&T Advantage
AT&T is the only company in the Southeast that can provide the complete combination of equipment, applications and network services for enhanced 9-1-1 operations. We offer a single point of contact to quickly resolve network and equipment issues and your operation is constantly monitored by our technical center to ensure that you are able to provide uninterrupted service to your community. As an active participant in NENA, and an outstanding corporate citizen, we have a commitment to provide dependable solutions to your community.
To capture maximum market share, successful retailers must concentrate on operational efficiencies that allow them either to pass value on to their customers in the form of lower prices or provide excellent customer service
Enhancing Accessibility, Service Delivery and Efficiency for the Retail Industry
To capture maximum market share, successful retailers must concentrate on operational efficiencies that allow them either to pass value on to their customers in the form of lower prices or provide excellent customer service
Meanwhile, the Internet serves as an alternate channel, allowing retailers to extend their reach to new markets while interacting with trading partners more efficiently.
Retail Is Detail, Yet Retailers Need Speed
The leaders in today’s competitive retail environment are those who have invested in technologies that enable them to gather and use mission-critical information on inventory, sales and customers better and faster than their competitors. These retailers have been able to increase their profitability by collaborating with their vendors and trading partners to reduce inventories and speed inventory turnover. As a result, the amount of mission-critical data traveling among retail headquarters, stores, vendors and distribution centers has increased dramatically over the past few years increasing retailers’ bandwidth needs.
Top retailers are adopting Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP); Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR); Time and Attendance, Labor Scheduling and supply chain management applications, all of which require real-time data. Even frequent shopper and gift registry programs must be updated with every transaction. In order for these applications to perform well, retailers often find that they need greater bandwidth.
How AT&T Can Help
To remain competitive, retailers can no longer rely on nightly store polling for the collection and distribution of data; they must have real-time data. Video also consumes large amounts of bandwidth. Yet retailers cannot afford to have new bandwidth-intensive applications reduce their ability to quickly move customers through checkout because they do not have enough bandwidth remaining to process credit card authorizations.
That’s why so many retailers are migrating from low-data-rate VSAT or satellite to the additional bandwidth and maximum reliability of high-speed data networks from AT&T . We can provide you with Frame Relay with speeds from 56 Kbps to 44 Mbps as well as ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) for voice, video and data at speeds above DS3. ATM may also be used to connect to a retailer at 1.536 Mbps or by using Inverse Multiplexing over ATM (IMA) from 3.072 Mbps to 12.288 Mbps.
AT&T Keeps You in Business
When most people think of crises, they think of natural disasters. However, 68 percent of all business disruptions are caused by human error – whether it’s a backhoe that cuts a telephone line or coffee spilled on a server that brings business to a screeching halt. Because no retailer can afford for their network to be down, AT&T offers a complete suite of business continuity products for end-to-end reliability.
AT&T Frame Relay Secure is an “insurance policy” for your Frame Relay network. If the network goes down, your mission-critical data automatically switches to ISDN in less than two minutes. Back-up Frame Relay protects the rest of your data by correlating PVCs in your Frame Relay network to reroute traffic from all remote sites to a backup central processing computer at an alternative host site. Also, our Frame Relay Intelligent PVCs facilitate 100% uptime. If a central processing computer goes down, a router dies or a telephone pole falls in a storm, data traffic is rerouted within 15 minutes following a call to the AT&T Repair Center.
Clicks and Mortar
Traditional retailers’ strong brand names give them an advantage online. Their physical presence also gives them a customer service advantage – it’s easier to return a book to a store than mail it back to a pure play’s distribution center. On the other hand, pure plays can be open for business 24×7 and, with just a few simple keystrokes, re-merchandise their storefront or change prices in a matter of minutes.
These multiple-channel retailers know that, to be competitive, retailers must be accessible when and where customers want to shop – even if it’s 3 a.m.AT&T can provide you with everything you need to set up shop on the Internet, from access to dedicated and shared Web hosting and co-location service in AT&T world-class centers.
Managed Services
As mergers and acquisitions continue, retailers find it cost-effective take a consistent approach to operations from store to store. This often requires integrating and updating both your telecommunications network and equipment. However, many retailers do not have the human resources necessary to handle this integration smoothly in-house. With the scarcity of IT professionals, retailers have found it difficult to attract and retain qualified IT personnel. The last thing you want is to have to replace your network every two years. Our experts can help you determine your network requirements now and in the future. Many retailers have decided to out-task network management with AT&T Managed Router Service, giving them access to scarce resources, reduced total cost of ownership and guaranteed performance.
AT&T also provides Managed Security Services including Managed Firewall, Intrusion Detection and Response, Anti-Virus/Anti-Vandal Filtering and Web site Blocking. With AT&T managing your network, you’re free to concentrate on merchandising so that you can offer your customers a shopping experience that will keep them coming back. Retail executives rely on voice and video conferencing services and equipment from AT&T to save on employees’ time and travel expenses. For maximum accessibility, equip your traveling employees with a AT&T prepaid card and AT&T Interactive Pagers. With the interactive paging, employees can send and retrieve e-mail from their pagers, transmit text-to-voice messages and receive voice-to-text nationwide.
AT&T Business Dedicated Internet Services provide a constant connection between your company and the Internet
AT&T Business Dedicated Internet Services provide a constant connection between your company and the Internet. Connections include:
- Frame Relay
- Frame Relay NxT1
- Private Line
AT&T Business Internet Services also provide the higher speed and flexibility your growing business needs:
- T1
- DS3, Fractional DS3
- OC3, Fractional OC3
- Burstable and Tiered Internet access
AT&T can install, configure, monitor, and maintain the equipment to make your connection hassle-free.
- AT&T Network Strength
- Outstanding network redundancy & SLAs
- Award winning customer service
- Financial stability
- Dual Internet backbone access by combining AT&T dedicated Internet products!
- Save money and streamline your operations by selecting the most appropriate bandwidth for your present and projected needs.
- Get better network customer service, improved productivity, and more sales opportunities.
- Take advantage of the trained, qualified team of professionals who deliver AT&T Business Internet services to your company.
Up to 50 times faster than a 28.8K dial-up connection
- Up to 1.5MB downstream x 256K upstream
- Up to 50 times faster than a 28.8K dial-up connection
- Talk and surf on the same line at the same time
- No waiting for dial-up access just click and go
- Professional and self-installation options available
- Five e-mail mailboxes and 10MB of personal Web space included, additional addresses available at additional cost
- Static IP addressing and Domain Name Service (DNS) options available
With AT&T support and infrastructure, sophisticated account administration capabilities, and Internet-ready access tokens, Business Dial includes everything you need to turn the Net into a strategic business asset
Here’s a corporate Dial Internet plan to keep everyone in the company connected and productive. Business Dial Internet Access provides reliable dial-up connections to the Internet for employees, telecommuters, mobile workers, and traveling executives.
With AT&T support and infrastructure, sophisticated account administration capabilities, and Internet-ready access tokens, Business Dial includes everything you need to turn the Net into a strategic business asset.
Sample Applications
- Remote corporate network access, when used in conjunction with AT&T or other VPN service
- Research and competitive analysis
- Digital communication, memos, business correspondence
- Web-based account administration tool lets you choose one designated person to add, delete, and view usage on all of your organization’s dial-up accounts
- Utilizing an existing Internet browser, end-users are provided access tokens that allow them to log on almost instantly
- Volume discounts when establishing over 50 end-user accounts
- Net-ready technology includes unlimited Internet access and options for 64Kbps or 128Kbps ISDN data speeds
- One Email account per user with 3Mb of disk space keeps co-workers, business partners, and customers connected and in touch
- Business-Only, 24-hour support from our award-winning network operation center ensures service when you need it for all your configuration, setup, and troubleshooting questions
- One consolidated bill for all AT&T services, including the Internet, saves on administrative costs
- You can ‘take it with you.’ Domestic Pop Roaming capability via our GSP partner allows your traveling users to access the Internet nationally
- Account Control. AT&T Web-based tool allows your account administrator to manage users and generate usage reports
- Keep in touch. Move time-sensitive information (memos, reports, proposals, and correspondence) faster and cheaper than with overnight mail and long-distance fax.
- Domestic Roaming Access. Keep everyone in your organization connected and supported – regardless of location, travel, or work schedule.
- Be Productive. Keep your organization and their end-users connected by using AT&T outstanding regional Internet infrastructure.
- Safeguard your investment. With 100+ years of networking experience and an award-winning service operation, AT&T has the knowledge and resources to keep you connected.
- One call resolution. Secure everything you need – software, service, and support – from a single, dependable source.
Fast, reliable connections from AT&T Business let you use the Internet to handle virtually every business function
Fast, reliable connections from AT&T Business let you use the Internet to handle virtually every business function. AT&T can install, configure, monitor, and maintain equipment to give you hassle-free connections. And we offer a variety of technologies that can be upgraded as your business grows.
Our Dial-up Internet Access service supports switched or dial-up connectivity over analog, ISDN, or DSL lines, and connections between your LAN and the Internet are maintained full-time: you are always connected. Because AT&T connects directly to the Internet through a global service provider, router hops are minimized and response is faster.
Sample Applications
- New markets at home and around the world
- Competitive product and demographic information
- Customer service and technical support
- Data transfer and software downloads
- Internal and external communications
- Travel planning
- Up to 5 e-mail boxes and up to 10 MB of disk space
- Dial-up access to the Internet through toll-free local access numbers in most areas throughout our nine-state region
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week help desk support
- A single corporate bill or multiple-user accounts
- World-class customer support
- Save money and streamline your operations by selecting the most appropriate bandwidth for your present and projected needs.
- Enjoy ensured reliability thanks to dual fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) ring architecture, with major switching hub backups and redundant IP connections.
- Get better network customer service, improved productivity, and more sales opportunities.
- Simplify your billing by including Internet Access Services on your AT&T bill.
- Get quick, responsive service and fast repairs with the AT&T Business comprehensive field service.
Whether you’re launching an e-business or simply connecting to the Internet, you need a secure infrastructure
Whether you’re launching an e-business or simply connecting to the Internet, you need a secure infrastructure. A firewall alone isn’t enough to prevent unauthorized intrusions and network misuse. Additionally, security requires expert knowledge, active management, and continuous monitoring. And those are big challenges for any company.
Fortunately, there’s AT&T Managed Security Services (MSS). A result of our partnership with the world’s leading e-business security company – Internet Security Systems (ISS) – AT&T MSS provides a complete suite of security solutions, including:
- Managed Firewall
- Managed VPN
- Intrusion Detection and Response
- Anti-virus and Anti-vandal Filtering
- Web Site Blocking
- Subscription-based Security Scanning
Our flexible and modular security architecture enables you to tailor service to meet your needs. As your requirements change and grow, you can easily add more protection as needed.
Managed Firewall
Managed Firewall is available in a variety of configurations. to secure your Dedicated Internet Access or DSL connections. With this complete turnkey service for businesses large or small, we configure, install, monitor and maintain the firewall 24X7 to keep your Internet gateway secure.
Managed VPN
Managed VPN Service provides a cost-effective way to extend communications to remote workers, remote sites and partners while ensuring the data being exchanged is carefully screened and safeguarded. Supporting large or small businesses, we provide the equipment, monitoring and management so you can focus on your core business initiatives.
Intrusion Detection and Response
Intrusion Detection and Response discreetly monitors network traffic to detect suspicious activity and stop attacks. Real-time monitoring of intrusion detection engines enables quick response to security violations and network misuse.
Anti-virus and Anti-vandal Filtering
Anti-virus and Anti-vandal Filtering protects against viruses and malicious code by scanning and cleaning email attachments, file transfers, and Web traffic. Service includes 24X7 monitoring, proactive administration and maintenance.
Web Site Blocking
Web Site Blocking enforces your Internet usage policy. This service tightly integrates with our Managed Firewall service to curtail unproductive web surfing and reduce corporate liability.
Subscription-based Security Scanning
This scanning service provides regularly recurring remotely deployed scans of your Internet-accessible devices. Available on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis, it includes reports on findings regarding vulnerabilities and recommendations for addressing them.
Completing the Security Package
AT&T MSS offers a best-of-breed package of seasoned security professionals, proven practices, state-of-the-art hardware, sophisticated software, and 24×7 support-all backed by comprehensive Service Level Agreements (SLAs) guaranteeing response times on change requests, monitoring, and more. Value is further enhanced by our Security Management System, which gives you near real-time access to your active security policy, security or event logs, online reports, and service requests.
A constant high-speed connection to the Internet
- A constant high-speed connection to the Internet
- Simultaneous voice and data transmission
ATM integrates voice, video, and data over a single local-area network (LAN) or wide-area network (WAN)
Integrate your many networks into one, with AT&T ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) service. ATM integrates voice, video, and data over a single local-area network (LAN) or wide-area network (WAN). ATM service can support:
- Any number of users
- Any type of information
- Virtually any service, using multiple speeds and protocols
AT&T ATM service is a switched-data technology with a difference:
- Fixed-length cells for faster speeds than other packet-switched services
- Speeds ranging from DS1 to OC12
- Simultaneous transmission of different data speeds and protocols
- Meets multiple established Quality of Service standards
- Only proven transfer medium that can support any traffic type
- High-speed data transmission, especially among widely distributed locations
- Data transmission at native-mode LAN rates
- Voice, video, data, and e-mail over a single transport medium
- Scalable to various bandwidths, speeds, number of users and locations
- Control your network costs. Managing one network instead of several can help you reduce staffing, maintenance, and billing requirements.
- Enhance performance over WANs. With LAN-like performance, WANs become virtual LANs. Users at remote sites become more productive as they access corporate information from their desktops, fast and efficiently.
- Grow your network while being cost-effective. AT&T ATM service is based on a point-to-point switched architecture that uses bandwidth so efficiently you can add locations without decreasing the bandwidth available at each location.
- Handle new applications affordably. With support for diverse traffic types and quality of service guarantees for diverse performance requirements, ATM service handles demanding multimedia applications.
- Make use of your current equipment. ATM can be implemented as a network technology (backbone to existing technologies) or as an equipment upgrade.
Always On/Dynamic ISDN (AODI) from AT&T Business provides continuous low-cost network connectivity
Always On/Dynamic ISDN (AODI) from AT&T Business provides continuous low-cost network connectivity. This connectivity helps teleworkers avoid problems associated with repeatedly opening connections to a corporate network, including:
- Downtime while connections are established
- Inconvenience and interruptions to workflow
- Possible failure to retrieve e-mail
- Potential loss of sales or goodwill
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) combines two circuit-switched B channels that can be combined to provide uncompressed data speeds of up to 128 Kbps and a packet-switched D channel (available with an ISDN Basic Rate Interface or BRI line). The D channel is the key to to the low-cost continuous connectivity offered by AODI. This service offers:
- Security
- Speed
- Digital clarity
- Flexibility
- Expanded business voice services
AODI automatically switches network traffic to the channel that best supports it. The D-channel link, which is used whenever B channels are not required, provides a low-cost, continuous LAN-style connection for teleworkers, while employers don’t have to sacrifice valuable circuit-switched ports on their networks to keep users continuously connected. When traffic increases one or both B channels are used for:
- Retrieving e-mail attachments
- Accessing the Internet
- Downloading files
- Other high-bandwidth tasks
- No dialing in to the network
- Reserves the D channel to send and receive e-mail
- Low-cost continuous LAN-style connection leaves B channels free for other calls.
- Provides uncompressed data speeds of up to 128 KBPS
- Automatically switches to one or both B channels for performing high-bandwidth tasks
- Enables users to switch to one or both B channels manually
- Automatically reverts to D-channel link when high-bandwidth traffic subsides
- Reduce costs. Lower the ISDN use rate on an employee line by using the D channel for continuous data connectivity at a substantially reduced rate.
- Streamline operations. Reduce the number of dial-in ports required on the corporate network.
- Increase efficiency. Provide teleworkers with access that rivals the LAN-based convenience enjoyed by office-bound colleagues.
- Increase productivity. Eliminate downtime associated with repeatedly dialing in to the network.
- Improve responsiveness. Notify employees as soon as they have e-mail.
- Maximize network resources. Provide continuous connections that stay up even while the ISDN line handles faxes, phone calls, and other data transfers.
- Improve communications. Colleagues and clients can rely on efficient e-mail communication, certain that employees receive all messages promptly.
- Make the most of network resources. Add or drop channels on demand.
AT&T Basic Rate ISDN (BRI) service allows a single telephone line to carry voice, video, and data simultaneously to give you more efficient and affordable service
AT&T Basic Rate ISDN (BRI) service allows a single telephone line to carry voice, video, and data simultaneously to give you more efficient and affordable service. BRI has:
- Two B channels to carry voice, video, or data
- Each B channel contains speeds as high as 64 Kbps
- B channels can be combined to offer up to 128 Kbps for applications that require more bandwidth
- A third channel (the D channel) to carry the call set-up information and low-speed packet data
- All-digital service
- Speeds up to 128 Kbps
- Integrated voice, video and data
- Flexible capacity on demand
- Uses existing wiring
This connection-oriented packet mode service enables you to share text, graphics and other types of data over wide geographic areas at high speeds
Like most companies, you probably need to transmit many different kinds of data between many different locations. And this data traffic is likely to be unpredictable, both in terms of file size and frequency of transmission. This means that dedicated lines could leave you with too much bandwidth as your traffic flow changes.
AT&T Business Frame Relay Service offers you an affordable yet fast and flexible alternative. This connection-oriented packet mode service enables you to share text, graphics and other types of data over wide geographic areas at high speeds. And it does so while achieving cost-efficiency and performance advantages over other architectures.
- Provides a fast, reliable alternative to dedicated lines.
- Offers high-speed connectivity – up to DS3.
- Makes it easy to add or delete locations and modify sites.
- Enables cost-effective data sharing over wide geographic areas.
- Allows you to create your own routes and set up permanent virtual circuits – your own series of point-to-point virtual connections – throughout your network.
- Provides better performance because it is based on X.25 LAPS standards, yet it doesn’t require the error correction and control information overhead of the X.25 protocol.
- Establishes a “nailed-up” connection between two locations in the network, which allows large variable-length frames to be sent back and forth with very little control information and validation needed at intermediate nodes.
- Includes 24×7 network monitoring and maintenance.
- Utilizes existing equipment.
- Lets you choose your speeds, so you’ll have exactly what you need now – plus room to grow.
- Does not require the error correction and control information overhead of the X.25 protocol, so you get better network performance.
- Provides greater network throughput and fewer delays, because PVC Frame Relay Service establishes a “nailed-up” connection between two locations in the network. Your network will be able to support more transmissions without requiring additional circuit capacity.
- Keeps you from wasting money on idle lines.
- Saves money by using equipment that you already own.
- Is more economical than other LAN-to-LAN solutions.
- Eliminates costly under-utilized dedicated links because it uses dedicated access to a shared network.
- Reduces your operating costs significantly, since Frame Relay Service works via a single-line interface that reduces the number of ports required and eliminates multiple access lines.
- Allows you to easily add endpoint users for a fraction of what it would normally cost to add.
If you can�t communicate, you can�t recover. Protecting your IT applications and data from a disaster is critical, but real recovery depends on working voice and data communications.AT&T Business Communications Recovery Services (BCRS) solutions can help you guard your enterprise�s voice and data communications against disruptions by providing:
- Diversely routed, redundant network facilities between office locations
- Network management that redirects voice and data traffic in a crisis
- Hot site/cold sited capability within your own corporate office space
- Telecommuting option to give you alternate workspace flexibility.
AT&T BCRS solutions utilize the managed-ring architecture of AT&T SMARTRing® Service to deliver voice and data between customer sites through diversely routed, redundant fiber optic circuits. In an emergency, automatic switching between the optical fibers maintains communications despite any single failure in the network. In addition, AT&T BCRS provides network management with AT&T FlexServe® Service, a tool that can either be controlled by your in-house IT staff, or pre-programmed to redirect voice and data over your SMARTRing architecture.
In today’s world, the mobile worker has become an operational necessity for most enterprises. AT&T BCRS offers telecommuting options custom designed to blend efficiently with your IT architecture. With a combination of services including AT&T Managed Network VPN Service, AT&T Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) and AT&T FastAccess Telecommute Service, we can help your IP operations remain secure and help your employees remain productive whether at home, in the field or at other remote locations.
During a disaster recovery, the first priority of any enterprise must be on restoring communications. Without communications, employees can’t generate business and without revenues, no business can survive. Let us show you how a AT&T Business Communications Recovery Services solution can help you protect your communications.
AT&T® Enhanced Managed Router Services provides both network monitoring and management of routers that are inter-networked through either frame relay or private line.
AT&T Enhanced Managed Router Services provides both network monitoring and management of routers that are inter-networked through either frame relay or private line.
AT&T Enhanced Managed Router Services is available in three service levels:
- Premium Monitoring
- Basic Management
- Premium Management
AT&T FlexServ service gives you greater control of your leased line digital or analog network so that you can make it adapt quickly to changes in your business
AT&T FlexServ service gives you greater control of your leased line digital or analog network so that you can make it adapt quickly to changes in your business.
FlexServ service allows you to
- Perform real-time configuration management and alarm surveillance, all from a terminal in your office.
- Electronically cross-connect and route your own traffic so that you can:
- Alleviate line congestion
- Isolate faults
- Change routing logic
- Monitor network performance
- Pre-arrange and automatically switch to backup facilities for disaster recovery
- Keep your network running at peak performance.
This service is a special offering to subscribers of all AT&T voice and data transport services, including private line, SynchroNet service, MegaLink service, LightGate service and special access equivalents.
- Use PC-based real-time configuration management and alarm surveillance
- Cross-connect and route your own traffic to alleviate line congestion
- Isolate faults
- Manipulate routing logic
- Monitor network performance
- Automatically switch to backup facilities for disaster recovery
- Manage your own communications systems
- Pre-arrange for disaster recovery
- Increase the efficiency and adaptability of your network
AT&T ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) allows a single telephone line to carry voice, video, and data simultaneously to offer you more efficient and affordable service
AT&T ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) allows a single telephone line to carry voice, video, and data simultaneously to offer you more efficient and affordable service. With ISDN, you have the option of combining available channels to obtain additional bandwidth when you need it.
Two types of ISDN are available:
Basic Rate ISDN (BRI)
- Two channels for voice, video, or data (B channels) capable of speeds up to 64 Kbps each
- A third channel that carries call set-up information and low-speed packet data
- B channels can be combined to offer speeds up to 128 KBPS
- Multiple phone numbers can be assigned to one line
Primary Rate ISDN
- Uses the same technology as BRI, but combines 23 B channels with one D channel
- Offers 1.54 MBPS of bandwidth, the equivalent of a T-1 line
- All-digital service
- Basic Rate ISDN (BRI) for speeds up to 128 KBPS or Primary Rate ISDN (PRI) for speeds up to 1.54 MBPS
- Integrated voice, video, and data
- Flexible capacity on demand
- Uses existing wiring
- Dynamically allocate calls using bandwidth for voice calls if desired, or for bandwidth-intensive applications like Video Conferencing when needed
- Receive multiple calls over a single line
- Perform voice and data functions simultaneously
- Operate over a digital network and limit errors in transmission
- Send data at higher speeds than with analog modems
- Share information between multiple locations without the need for a dedicated line
- Increase speed and flexibility of remote or home office communications
- Save money as ISDN operates over twisted-pair wiring used for telephone lines
AT&T, teaming with 4-Sight – the leader in software for the graphics industry – can tailor a solution that will electronically link together those who share your projects
With one click of the mouse, you, your agency, designers, printers, and even your clients could share layouts and artwork in seconds – in full detail, in full color, right on your computer screen.
AT&T, teaming with 4-Sight – the leader in software for the graphics industry – can tailor a solution that will electronically link together those who share your projects.
With AT&T ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and 4-Sight software, you can
- Complete projects quickly and economically
- Use your existing computers and software
- Prepare layouts as usual, then click the 4-Sight icon on your desktop to transfer the file to its destination
- Transfer even your largest files securely, across town or around the globe
- Teaming with 4-Sight software, AT&T ISDN Graphic Design Solutions will tailor a solution linking all of your design staff and resources.
- User-friendly interface. Start by clicking an icon on your desktop and your project is on its way.
- Use an all digital network. Files are less prone to damage than with analog modems.
- Beat deadlines
- Save money
- Successfully deliver more outstanding layouts, ads, newsletters, and brochures
- Eliminate the need for couriers and overnight deliveries
- Complete complex work processes more efficiently
AT&T LightGate service is a fiber-based private line service
AT&T LightGate service is a fiber-based private line service that:
- Integrates data, e-Business, voice and video over a fiber-based SONET private line service
- Consolidates traffic over DS-3, STS-1, OC-3, OC-12, OC-48 or OC-192 transport
MegaLink service provides high-speed transfer of large volumes of voice, data, video, or control signals between at least two locations in the same LATA
AT&T MegaLink service is a full-duplex, intraLATA, private-line, digital transport service operating at up to 1.544 MBPS. MegaLink service provides high-speed transfer of large volumes of voice, data, video, or control signals between at least two locations in the same LATA.
MegaLink service combines voice, data, and video networks to:
- Reduce expenses
- Aggregate individual exchange lines and private lines as they exist
- Combine voice, data, and image applications
- Accommodate large circuit concentrations from a company’s premises to a single central office
- Support up to 24 DSO services with a variety of applications
MegaLink service can be:
- Leased on a point-to-point basis
- Leased as a stand-alone local channel or interoffice channel for link-connection to other products and services
- MegaLink service supports channelized 1.544 MBPS service between your company’s premises and serving wire centers.
- Multiple sites are served from one location.
- Service is available in channelized packages beginning with a minimum 24-intraLATA-line capacity
- Local channels and/or interoffice channels can be used for:
- Network exchange access
- Foreign exchange
- ESSX station lines
- Off-premises stations
- Tie lines
- Voice private lines
- WATS and 800 service
- Analog and data services up to and including 9.6 KBPS
- Digital data services at 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 56, and 64 KBPS, and 1.544 MBPS
- Foreign central office
- Maintain a competitive position within your market.
- Improve the customer’s information processing.
- Reduce paper flow.
Native Mode LAN Interconnection (NMLI), an intra-LATA, high-speed, ethernet transport service most commonly used to interconnect LANs, is available at the native LAN speeds of 10Mbps Ethernet, 100Mbps Fast Ethernet and 1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet. NMLI offers cost-effective, scalable solutions for delivering high bandwidth in the metropolitan area
AT&T provides fast, secure, and scalable metro optical ethernet services to enterprise customers over its all-optical metro area networks. Native Mode LAN Interconnection (NMLI), an intra-LATA, high-speed, ethernet transport service most commonly used to interconnect LANs, is available at the native LAN speeds of 10Mbps Ethernet, 100Mbps Fast Ethernet and 1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet. NMLI offers cost-effective, scalable solutions for delivering high bandwidth in the metropolitan area.
NMLI is designed to support customers who:
- Need to connect multiple LANs over a wide area connection.
- Send high volumes of data between several company locations.
- Have linked sites using high bandwidth applications such as tape back-up, CAD/CAM or image processing.
- Want to optimize their networks using the widely deployed Ethernet industry standards.
- Have applications that will require the ability to grow bandwidth speeds as needed.
- Need the flexibility in their network to support Data, IP, Video and Multicast applications on a single physical backbone.
- Point to Point or Switched transparent high-speed LAN data transmission among distributed locations
- Data transmission at native-mode LAN rates – 10Mbps, 100Mbps, 1000Mbps (1Gbps)
- Supports IP, video, data, e-mail, multicast applications over a single transport medium
- Supports complete inter-working for all NMLI LAN speeds allowing customers to mix speeds by application and location
- Scalable by speeds, number of users and locations
- Value/Cost Savings AT&T NMLI service offers high bandwidth for low relative cost allowing you to better control your network costs. NMLI provides the high bandwidth capabilities that were once only available via more expensive connections.
- Enhance performance over MANs With LAN-like performance, Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) become virtual LANs. Your furthest metropolitan location now becomes as close as you network connection. Users at remote sites become more productive as they access corporate information fast and efficiently.
- Effectively manage your growing network. NMLI Service supports full interworking between existing NMLI 10Mbps, 100Mbps and 1000Mbps service, allowing customers to mix speeds by location and application. This interworking provides customers a clear, seamless migration path to higher bandwidths without changing the LAN protocols that they are familiar with.
- Leverage your existing investment. AT&T NMLI service requires minimal CPE investment for customers migrating from an existing Ethernet platform. No additional equipment, beyond the routers that many customers currently own, is required to support Gigabit Ethernet Service. In addition to leveraging existing end stations and management tools customers can leverage existing training and experience in managing, maintaining and troubleshooting their Ethernet networks.
- Experience – Since the 1970’s Ethernet has been the dominant networking protocol. With over 95% of all LANs in North America running ethernet,AT&T NMLI service has virtually no risk of obsolescence in the near term. AT&T has supported NMLI and metro ethernet solutions since 1994. Our latest enhancement, adding Gigabit Ethernet to the service portfolio, makes AT&T Native Mode LAN Interconnection the strategic choice for high-speed metro ethernet solutions.
AT&T Primary Rate ISDN (PRI) service uses the public telephone network to carry an all-digital signal that can satisfy your company’s voice and data communications needs in the most efficient, flexible way possible
AT&T Primary Rate ISDN (PRI) service uses the public telephone network to carry an all-digital signal that can satisfy your company’s voice and data communications needs in the most efficient, flexible way possible.
With PRI service, you can:
- Combine voice and data communications with the flexibility to add capacity when you need it.
- Re-allocate capacity at any time.
- Expect 1.54 Mbps of capacity – the equivalent of a T-1 line.
PRI service boasts:
- 23 channels available to support voice, data, and video services that can be easily combined or re-allocated for greater flexibility
- A 24th channel to support signaling between your equipment and the AT&T networ
- Carry the signaling information over a separate channel and speed up the origination, termination or any other changes required to process your calls
- Any channel can carry any type of connection, eliminating single-purpose trunks such as Direct Inward Dial (DID), Direct Outward Dial (DOD), and dedicated video or data lines
- Allocate more channels to an application in multiples of 64 Kbps
- If data is your main communication need, the inward data option supports analog, digital data calls, and a digital data only option
- If your company’s primary needs are voice communications, replacing standard single-purpose trunks with PRI service can result in significant savings
- Increase the speed and flexibility of LAN access without dedicated lines
- Bandwidth on an as needed basis
SMARTPath service is offered in high-density areas within key wire centers of selected metropolitan areas
Reduce network congestion and increase reliability with AT&T SMARTPath service. SMARTPath service is offered in high-density areas within key wire centers of selected metropolitan areas. SMARTPath service is unique in that:
- Multiple rings are used to connect customers to more than one serving central office.
- It is distinguished by a high degree of reliability and survivability.
- It uses a self-healing architecture that is fiber-based.
- Both link and nodal protection are provided in order to limit single points of failure.
- It offers high levels of redundancy and diversity to prevent a single service-impacting event from interrupting your mission-critical data transport.
- Availability, error-free transmission, and service continuity are monitored – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Can be provided in conjunction with service arrangements for AT&T LightGate, FlexServ, and ESSX services
- Provides strong service guarantees
- Installation completed on negotiated due date or the nonrecurring installation charges are refunded
- Guaranteed to switch to an alternate facility path in 60 seconds or less in the event of a primary facility failure – or 90% of the monthly recurring charges are refunded
- Continuous performance monitoring
- Service agreements to ensure all levels of performance
- Meet or exceed 99.99 percent circuit availability on a monthly basis
- Flat rates can lower costs for many configurations
- High levels of redundancy/diversity prevent service interruptions
AT&T SMARTRing service is a dedicated, high-capacity network designed to provide increased reliability and functionality via self-healing ring topology between multiple customer locations and AT&T central offices
AT&T SMARTRing service is a dedicated, high-capacity network designed to provide increased reliability and functionality via self-healing ring topology between multiple customer locations and AT&T central offices.
This network consists of fiber routed through local, alternate central office, intermodal and/or interoffice channel facilities that transmit DS1, DS3, STS1, OC3 and/or OC12 channel services simultaneously over primary and alternate paths between customer-designed locations and AT&T central offices.
This ring topology continually:
- Monitors service quality
- Detects failure within the system
- Automatically self-heals around a point of failure
- Ensures that the flow of data continues between locations within the network
- Can be provided in conjunction with service arrangements for AT&T LightGate, FlexServ, EIS, and ESSX services
- Provides strong service guarantees
- Supports continuous performance monitoring
- Offers service arrangements to ensure all levels of performance
- Increased performance. Reliability and functionality are increased with self-healing ring topology.
- Reduced cost. Flat rates can lower costs for many configurations.
- Increased reliability. High levels of redundancy/diversity prevent service interruptions.
AT&T SynchroNet service is a dedicated point-to-point and multipoint intra-LATA digital data service that transmits at speeds of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 56 and 64 KBPS with options for monitoring, diagnostic capabilities, and transmission privacy
AT&T SynchroNet service is a dedicated point-to-point and multipoint intra-LATA digital data service that transmits at speeds of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 56 and 64 KBPS with options for monitoring, diagnostic capabilities, and transmission privacy. This private line transmission service is designed to transmit data in a digital format from end to end, using only digital transmission facilities for enhanced quality and reliability.SynchroNet service is a high-speed, full-duplex, synchronous data transmission service that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. SynchroNet service also supports secondary channel capability (SCC) – a companion transmission capability that is provided over the same physical facility as the primary channel but at a lower bit rate. SCC allows customer premises equipment (CPE) to provide diagnostics, network management, alarm functions or a second low-speed data path.
In addition, SynchroNet service is offered through a “nodal” serving concept that provides advanced testing, maintenance and monitoring capabilities. By using digital facilities and routing the circuits through nodes, AT&T SynchroNet service can offer 99.5 percent error-free network performance.
- Synchronous, full-duplex transmission
- Advanced testing, maintenance, monitoring
- Transmission privacy capabilities
- SCC provided over the same physical facility as the primary channel but at a lower bit rate
- Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- All-digital transmission facilities for enhanced quality and reliability
- Optimize your network through advanced diagnostics, network management, alarm functions, or a second low-speed data path.
- Save money by using your existing CPE.
- Increase transmission efficiency and reliability through all-digital, synchronous transmission.
AT&T Video Conferencing Service puts you face-to-face with people around the world
AT&T Video Conferencing Service puts you face-to-face with people around the world. Our video bridging services enable you to effectively meet with the people who mean the most of your business, without the logistical headaches or expensive travel costs. It provides a cost effective, interactive solution to your conferencing needs whether you have one site or one hundred. This standards-based service uses a Multipoint Control Unit (MCU) or video bridge located in a hub central office, all managed by AT&T. AT&T capability to provide a fully managed network is a guarantee that you can focus on your meetings…not your equipment.
- Standards-based service
- Multipoint Control Unit (MCU) or a video bridge located in a AT&T hub central office
- Connection to customer-owned CODECS and accessory equipment
- Greater capacity and depth of coverage
- Aggressive price/performance value
- Flexible access. AT&T supports switched and dedicated access. This industry-unique capability allows bridging between environments easily and cost-efficiently.
- Convenient scheduling and reporting. The Interactive provides an eaasy way to manage all of your conferences through the Internet. You can schedule, cancel or change any conference and get an instant confirmation. Usage reports and billing information is readily available and exportable to your spreadsheet programs. Customers may also call, fax, or E-Mail scheduling requests to the AT&T Scheduling Center with as little as 31 minutes notice during business hours. A certification conference will be scheduled prior to your first actual conference to ensure that all systems are go.
- Expert troubleshooting. Superior networking management ensures high-quality video bridging and issue resolution. Our technicians are specifically trained in video conferencing and are standing by if you need assistance.
- Improve productivity. Enhance productivity by minimizing time spent organizing and traveling to meetings. Helps reduce your time to market schedule.
The AT&T Business Assurance portfolio provides the latest technological solutions to help customers maintain business continuity during daily operations and recover quickly when major disasters strike.
The AT&T Business Assurance portfolio provides the latest technological solutions to help customers maintain business continuity during daily operations and recover quickly when major disasters strike. Within the AT&T Business Assurance portfolio, we offer…
- Individual products and services with inherent business continuity/disaster recovery (BC/DR) characteristics such as diverse routing, redundant circuitry, automatic switching, and firewall protection.
- Bundled solutions that heighten the BC/DR capabilities of an enterprise by combining the capabilities of multiple products and services.
The AT&T Business Assurance portfolio of individual products and services fall into five categories: Network transport, Central Office-based products, Equipment, Managed Services and Professional Services.
Network Transport
- AT&T SMARTRing® Service
- AT&T Metro Ethernet Service
- AT&T LightGate® Service
- AT&T Dedicated Internet Access (DIA)
- AT&T Frame Relay Service
- AT&T FastAccess Telecommute
Central Office-Based Services
- AT&T CrisisLink Service
- AT&T FlexServ® Service
- AT&T Centrex IP Service
- AT&T Converged Solutions (AVVID)
- Nortel Networks Succession CSE 1000
- Cisco Emergency Responder from AT&T Succession CSE 1000
Managed Services
- AT&T Managed Network VPN Service
- AT&T Managed IP Telephony Solutions
- AT&T and IBM e-Sourcing Business Solutions
Professional Services
- AT&T IP Telephony Network Readiness Program
The AT&T Business Assurance portfolio also includes three bundled solutions.
- AT&T Business Communications Recovery Services
- AT&T Business Communications Recovery Services with Nortel Networks Succession 1000
- AT&T Business Communications Recovery Services with Cisco Converged Solutions
With increasing concerns for protecting confidential customer information as well as patient privacy, companies are turning to AT&T Encrypted Email Service to help ensure that all emails containing sensitive information are automatically encrypted based on your central policies and requests.
With increasing concerns for protecting confidential customer information as well as patient privacy, companies are turning to AT&T Encrypted Email Service to help ensure that all emails containing sensitive information are automatically encrypted based on your central policies and requests.
The AT&T Encrypted Email solution uses sophisticated lexicons to find confidential information – including profanity that may not be appropriate for your corporate communications. Emails are then automatically encrypted (or blocked or escalated) – with no action required by your users and are safely sent on to recipients. Your recipients can easily open and decrypt emails – without the need for complicated and expensive certificates.
We are making it easier than ever for you to protect your confidential information. For more information regarding AT&T Encrypted Email Service, contact your AT&T Account Representative.
Host Intrusion Prevention takes your security defenses beyond perimeter security by protecting critical servers from internal attacks and from external attacks where hackers use encryption as an attack technique.
Host Intrusion Prevention takes your security defenses beyond perimeter security by protecting critical servers from internal attacks and from external attacks where hackers use encryption as an attack technique.
The AT&T Host Intrusion Prevention Service (HIPS) is based on the Cisco Security Agent (CSA) and serves as an application firewall to help ensure that the application is doing only what it is supposed to be doing. When encrypted traffic is received and decrypted by the operating system on the host machine, the HIPS agent intercepts instructions prior to reaching the application to help prevent malicious activity.
Host Intrusion Prevention Service Features:
- Security team monitoring of your Security Console
- 24X7 monitoring and first response to prevent hacker attacks directed at your protected servers
- Real time, behavior-based attack blocking
- Customized security policy design and tuning
- In-depth reporting on attempted intrusions
- And much more…
For additional information on AT&T Host Intrusion Prevention Service, please contact your AT&T Account Manager
AT&T Integrated Solutions is an alternative to purchasing multiple voice, data and Internet network services
AT&T Integrated Solutions is an alternative to purchasing multiple voice, data and Internet network services. Customers are served by a single access connection that is proactively managed and monitored. The simplicity and flexibility of the integrated solution can help businesses streamline operations, boost employee productivity, maximize return on investment and ultimately improve customer satisfaction. Another advantage of BIS is that it provides flexibility for voice and Internet access speed requirements. Due to the elimination of costs associated with managing multiple networks, customers save valuable time and money by implementing an integrated solution.
Voice (8-22 lines):
- Analog lines
- Trunks (Digital)
- Direct Inward Dial (DID)
- Primary Rate ISDN
- 128K – 768K Dedicated High Speed Internet Access
- 200MB Shared Web Hosting
- 30 Email Boxes
Customer Premise Equipment:
- Includes an Integrated Access Device that performs the functions of a CSU/DSU, channel bank, MUX and router at no additional cost
- Both voice and data are integrated over a single T1 facility
- No capital upgrade required by the customer
- Customers can adjust the allocation of bandwidth for voice, data and Internet services based on their changing needs
- Dedicated Internet Access with 100% Committed Information Rate
- Service Level Agreements for reliability and bandwidth of the Internet port
- Separate flat rate business line is included at no additional charge that is used for out of band monitoring, which performs remote maintenance and allows for faster trouble isolation
- Cost savings by utilizing one T1 for all your voice and Internet needs
- One-stop-shop
- One number to call
- Customers only pay for what they turn up
- End-to-End solution
- No IT staff needed for CPE maintenance
- Dedicated account team
Today’s organizations rely on highly, networked, secure computing environments to more efficiently and safely conduct business. Firewalls are a key component to any secure network. Firewalls are configured to allow “good” traffic in and to keep “bad” traffic our. Firewalls are updated continuously to support changing business requirements.
The AT&T Managed Firewall Service ensures that key tasks for successful firewall management are performed regularly including:
- 24X7 monitoring
- Maintenance
- Ruleset updates
- Log reviews
- Report generation
- And more
For more information about AT&T Managed Firewall Service, please contact your AT&T Account representative.
Network Intrusion Prevention is one of the most important layers of security you can implement to protect your organization from unauthorized access.
AT&T Network Intrusion Prevention Service stops targeted and random attacks by inspecting network traffic for malicious code or unusual patterns and blocking attempted attacks in real time. The service utilizes an appliance placed on your network that performs deep packet inspection on all traffic entering and leaving your organization. A team of security analysts monitors your network 24X7 for new attack types, unusual patterns and configuration changes that may create problems for you.
For more information regarding AT&T Network Intrusion Prevention Service, please contact your AT&T Account Representative
A penetration test subjects a system to simulated real-world attacks selected and conducted by our security staff to identify the extent to which a system can be compromised. Test results identify where additional security measures would be useful. AT&T teams with SecureWorks to deliver penetration testing services.
AT&T Penetration Testing Service includes:
- An assessment to determine all possible methods for entry including social engineering if specified
- Attainment of confidential information where possible using the methods identified in the assessment
- Exploitation of vulnerabilities with an attempt to gain user-level and privileged access to control systems
- Recommendations for improving security if needed
- Reporting to provide for operational control and for external auditors
For additional information regarding AT&T Penetration Testing Service, please contact your AT&T Account Representative
AT&T Wavelength Service is the hallmark of optical technology. Based on Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM), this high speed transport solution for enterprises brings reliable access to those organizations needing very high bandwidths for storage, data center connectivity or massive file transfers. As with all its Optical solutions, AT&T produces this carrier-class service to meet its stringent standards and requires the components of the network to be standards based and thoroughly tested in our own labs.
A wide variety of custom configurations are available with Wavelength service. Voice, data, video or storage traffic can be supported. With this second generation technology, changes to the wavelength service can be reconfigured without taking down the service.
Options include:
- Point-to-point or ring
- 1.25 Gigabit to 10 Gigabit speeds
- Up to 32 protected wavelengths on a single fiber
Interfaces available:
- 1.25 Gbps, 2.5 Gbps
- OC192, 10 Gbps WAN/LAN
- 1 Gig
- OC3, OC12, OC48
- FICON Express
- Fast Ethernet
- Fibre Channel 100/200
For more information about AT&T Wavelength Service, please contact your AT&T Account Representative
In a world where hackers are knocking at your doorstep 24X7, keeping a regular network vulnerability assessment schedule is an invaluable security mechanism. A vulnerability analysis can alert you to potential vulnerabilities in your network before a hacker alerts you to those vulnerabilities the hard way.
What is a Network Vulnerability Analysis?
A network vulnerability analysis evaluates all aspects of your network from behind the firewall and identifies any potential holes a hacker to exploit. The Network Vulnerability Assessment Service from AT&T analyzes every IP address, computer, server and device on your network such as desktops, web server platforms, mail servers, routers, switches and hubs. You get a detailed explanation of the recommended fix for each vulnerability. This allows you to be proactive in securing your network, making sure that you always get there first.
AT&T Vulnerability Assessment Service includes:
- Internal and external network scans
- Web-based reports delivered securely to any web browser
- Asset assessment
- Trending information
- Prioritized remediation recommendations
- Proprietary Vulnerability Score for a quick understanding of how the vulnerability posture has changed since the last scan
The Vulnerability Assessment service is offered on either a monthly or quarterly basis. To learn more about AT&T Vulnerability Assessment Service, please contact your AT&T Account Representative
Cisco® IP Telephony Solutions
An integral component of the Cisco IP Communications system-is the software-based call-processing component of the Cisco enterprise IP telephony solution; it is enabled by Cisco AVVID (Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data).
Cisco CallManager software extends enterprise telephony features and capabilities to packet telephony network devices such as IP phones, media processing devices, voice-over-IP (VoIP) gateways, and multimedia applications. Cisco CallManager Version 4.0 provides a scalable, distributable, and highly available enterprise IP telephony call-processing solution.
Cisco® CallManager Express (CCME)
Cost-effective IP Communications solution for the branch office.
Cisco® CallManager Express is a solution embedded in Cisco IOS® Software that provides call processing for Cisco IP phones. Cisco CallManager Express with Cisco Unity Express provides customers with a cost-effective, highly reliable, feature-rich solution for a small office deployment of up to 200 users with the new Integrated Services Routers series 2800 and 3800.
Nortel Solutions
Norstar Integrated Communications Systems offer a portfolio of telephone/key systems, with solutions for small-to-medium businesses and branch offices, and is expandable from 1 to 248 ports.
Norstar Integrated Communications Systems offer a portfolio of telephone/key systems, with solutions for small-to-medium businesses and branch offices, and is expandable from 1 to 248 ports. Every Norstar Integrated Communications System (ICS) is a fully digital platform that brings all of your communications together right at your desktop – including fax, e-mail, computer, and telephone.
Business Communications Manager (BCM)
Business Communications Manager (BCM) delivers small/medium-sized businesses and branch offices the only converged voice/data solution in the industry, providing a choice of IP-enabled or pure-IP strategy. Leveraging existing Meridian, Norstar, and Succession 1000 investments, BCM has the capabilities businesses need including telephony, unified messaging, multimedia call center, interactive voice response, IP routing and data services such as firewall, wireless, and more.
The Nortel Meridian PBX portfolio provides advanced voice features, data connectivity, LAN communications, computer telephony integration (CTI), and information services for communication applications ranging from 20 to 16,000 users
Communications Server 1000
Communication Server 1000 (CS 1000) is a server-based, full-featured IP PBX, providing the benefits of a converged network plus advanced applications and over 450 world-class telephony features. Fully distributed over IP LAN & WAN infrastructure with built-in reliability & survivability, CS 1000 supports business-critical applications, including unified messaging, customer contact center, IVR, wireless VoIP and IP phones.
Nortel Multimedia Communications Server (MCS) 5100
Nortel Multimedia Communication Server (MCS) 5100 delivers SIP-based multimedia and collaborative applications to enterprises. Using industry-standard protocols, it enables businesses to augment existing voice and data infrastructures with advanced IP-based capabilities, such as multimedia (video conferencing and calling, picture caller ID); collaboration (conferencing, white boarding, file exchange, co-Web browsing); personalization (call screening, call logs, call management and routing – find me, follow me); presence and instant messaging.
When you need a reliable, robust, and secure infrastructure to support your business applications, host your equipment within a AT&T e-Business Center
Basic Co-location service
The lowest cost co-location plan is for customers with budget and resources to manage their own servers within the robust, secure AT&T e-Business Center and network environment. With this level of service, customers will manage servers, hardware and software, while AT&T monitors servers and the network within the e-Business Center.
Premium Co-location Service
When you need a reliable, robust, and secure infrastructure to support your business applications, host your equipment within a AT&T e-Business Center. AT&T allows you to maximize your existing technology investments without incurring additional expenses for new facilities and staff.
Advantages include:
- Scalability to support your business growth
- Speed to market, with the ability to meet your market window
- Monitoring, maintenance, and capacity management, including notification of hardware failures
- Charges based on a per rack/cage/server basis
High Performance Options for Premium Co-location Web Hosting customers.
AT&T also offers the following:
- AT&T Server Clustering – a high availability service option for AT&T Managed Dedicated and Premium Co-location hosting customers. The service allows multiple servers to redundantly connect to multiple storage devices, ensuring customers’ data is highly available and reducing system and applications downtime.
- AT&T Global Load Balancing – optimizes traffic between customer servers in multiple locations, enhancing the reliability and performance for enterprises hosting e-commerce or mission critical applications. This service is ideal for large businesses with mission critical data who want to keep servers in multiple locations and want the assurance of data availability and integrity. Global Load Balancing is a valuable supplement to AT&T current hosting services, which include Managed Dedicated Web Hosting, as well as Basic and Premium Co-location.
AT&T Business Dedicated Internet Services provide a constant connection between your company and the Internet.
Connections include:
- Frame Relay
- Frame Relay NxT1
- Private Line
AT&T Business Internet Services also provide the higher speed and flexibility your growing business needs:
- T1
- DS3, Fractional DS3
- OC3, Fractional OC3
- Burstable and Tiered Internet access
AT&T can install, configure, monitor, and maintain the equipment to make your connection hassle-free.
- AT&T Network Strength
- Outstanding network redundancy & SLAs
- Award winning customer service
- Financial stability
- Dual Internet backbone access by combining AT&T dedicated Internet products!
- Save money and streamline your operations by selecting the most appropriate bandwidth for your present and projected needs.
- Get better network customer service, improved productivity, and more sales opportunities.
- Take advantage of the trained, qualified team of professionals who deliver AT&T Business Internet services to your company.
More businesses than ever are turning to Dedicated Web Hosting. It has become the fastest-growing hosting option on the market today. It allows you to focus on using the Web to enhance your business, without the expense of creating and housing your own hosting infrastructure. You gain the piece of mind that your e-business operations are housed in one of the AT&T e-Business Centers, which are among the most sophisticated and secure hosting center in the world.
AT&T offers two levels of Dedicated Web Hosting to meet the needs of large and small business customers.
AT&T Basic Dedicated Web Hosting
AT&T Basic Dedicated Web Hosting is ideal for small to mid-size businesses or departments within large companies seeking an economical and secure managed Web presence.
Basic Dedicated Web Hosting offers the following features:
- Robust network bandwidth
- Dedicated customer server
- Fully managed 24X7 monitoring and maintenance
- IBM eServer xSeries 330 servers running the Windows 2000 operating system as the standard platform.
AT&T Managed Dedicated Web Hosting
AT&T Managed Dedicated Web Hosting is a turnkey business solution that minimizes capital investments while delivering the network performance, bandwidth and flexibility needed to grow your business. We also support our system and network up-time promises with powerful Service Level Agreements.
AT&T Managed Dedicated Web Hosting offers the following services:
- UNIX and Windows/Intel platform support
- Comprehensive firewall service
- Dynamic load balancing for enhanced traffic management among your servers
- Expert support and maintenance by experienced industry professionals
- Internet access that supports peak load traffic
Managed Dedicated Web Hosting also provides full server management necessary for your mission-critical applications allowing you to focus on using the Web to enhance your business.
Whether Basic Dedicated or Managed Dedicated best fit your business needs, both services eliminate the hassle and overhead of establishing and managing a complicated hosting infrastructure.
High Performance Options for Managed Dedicated Web Hosting customers.
AT&T also offers the following:
AT&T Server Clustering – a high availability service option for AT&T Managed Dedicated and Premium Co-location hosting customers. The service allows multiple servers to redundantly connect to multiple storage devices, ensuring customers’ data is highly available and reducing system and applications downtime.
AT&T Global Load Balancing – optimizes traffic between customer servers in multiple locations, enhancing the reliability and performance for enterprises hosting e-commerce or mission critical applications. This service is ideal for large businesses with mission critical data who want to keep servers in multiple locations and want the assurance of data availability and integrity. Global Load Balancing is a valuable supplement to AT&T current hosting services, which include Managed Dedicated Web Hosting, as well as Basic and Premium Co-location.
Here’s a corporate plan designed for companies that manage multiple dial Internet users. Keep everyone in the company connected and productive by adding and deleting Dial Internet accounts via the AT&T Account Administration Tool. By granting activation rights to your designated administrator, you have the power to quickly create Internet connections for employees, telecommuters, mobile workers, traveling executives and associates.
With AT&T support and infrastructure, sophisticated account administration capabilities, and Internet-ready access tokens, Business Dial includes everything you need to turn the Internet into a strategic business asset.
- Web-based account administration tool: Designate an administrator to add, delete and view usage reports instantly on all of your organization’s dial Internet accounts.
- Competitive price: Volume discounts for regional unlimited AT&T dial POP access start at $12.50 per user.
- ISDN: Net-ready technology includes unlimited Internet access and options for 64Kbps or 128Kbps ISDN data speeds.
- AT&T E-mail: One e-mail account per user with 10Mb of disk space. (AT&T Webmail available)
- Local, GSP and 888 Nationwide POP access: Over 200 regional AT&T dial POPs with unlimited access are available. Or access our roaming GSP or 888 POPs at a special flat rate.
- Consolidation. Consolidated billing saves on administrative costs.
- Account control. Create, delete and manage user dial Internet accounts and generate usage reports on demand.
- Productivity. For no additional charge, you can ‘pop’ your e-mail from any POP3 Client or PDA as well as long into your Internet.
- One call resolution. Secure everything you need – software, service, and support – from a single, dependable source.
Up to 50 times faster than a 28.8K dial-up connection
- Up to 1.5MB downstream x 256K upstream
- Up to 50 times faster than a 28.8K dial-up connection
- Talk and surf on the same line at the same time
- No waiting for dial-up access just click and go
- Professional and self-installation options available
- Five e-mail mailboxes and 10MB of personal Web space included, additional addresses available at additional cost
- Static IP addressing and Domain Name Service (DNS) options available
Flexibility, productivity, efficiency.
Flexibility, productivity, efficiency. That’s what companies can get when employees work from home with AT&T FastAccess Telecommute. Your employees will get more done in less time because AT&T FastAccess ®DSL is up to 50 times faster than 28.8K dial-up connections (actual speeds vary). There’s no more waiting to get online and no more slow connections. So, they will be able to access office data and documents at lightning-fast speeds.
Whether you’re launching an e-business or simply connecting to the Internet, you need a secure infrastructure. A firewall alone isn’t enough to prevent unauthorized intrusions and network misuse. Additionally, security requires expert knowledge, active management, and continuous monitoring. And those are big challenges for any company.
Fortunately, there’s AT&T Managed Security Services (MSS). A result of our partnership with the world’s leading e-business security company – Internet Security Systems (ISS) – AT&T MSS provides a complete suite of security solutions, including:
- Managed Firewall
- Managed VPN
- Intrusion Detection and Response
- Anti-virus and Anti-vandal Filtering
- Web Site Blocking
- Subscription-based Security Scanning
Our flexible and modular security architecture enables you to tailor service to meet your needs. As your requirements change and grow, you can easily add more protection as needed.
Managed Firewall
Managed Firewall is available in a variety of configurations. to secure your Dedicated Internet Access or DSL connections. With this complete turnkey service for businesses large or small, we configure, install, monitor and maintain the firewall 24X7 to keep your Internet gateway secure.
Managed VPN
Managed VPN Service provides a cost-effective way to extend communications to remote workers, remote sites and partners while ensuring the data being exchanged is carefully screened and safeguarded. Supporting large or small businesses, we provide the equipment, monitoring and management so you can focus on your core business initiatives.
Intrusion Detection and Response
Intrusion Detection and Response discreetly monitors network traffic to detect suspicious activity and stop attacks. Real-time monitoring of intrusion detection engines enables quick response to security violations and network misuse.
Anti-virus and Anti-vandal Filtering
Anti-virus and Anti-vandal Filtering protects against viruses and malicious code by scanning and cleaning email attachments, file transfers, and Web traffic. Service includes 24X7 monitoring, proactive administration and maintenance.
Web Site Blocking
Web Site Blocking enforces your Internet usage policy. This service tightly integrates with our Managed Firewall service to curtail unproductive web surfing and reduce corporate liability.
Subscription-based Security Scanning
This scanning service provides regularly recurring remotely deployed scans of your Internet-accessible devices. Available on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis, it includes reports on findings regarding vulnerabilities and recommendations for addressing them.
Completing the Security Package
AT&T MSS offers a best-of-breed package of seasoned security professionals, proven practices, state-of-the-art hardware, sophisticated software, and 24×7 support-all backed by comprehensive Service Level Agreements (SLAs) guaranteeing response times on change requests, monitoring, and more. Value is further enhanced by our Security Management System, which gives you near real-time access to your active security policy, security or event logs, online reports, and service requests.
With AT&T Managed Storage Services, we’ve partnered with industry-leader StorageNetworks to bring you the latest in advanced storage solutions designed to help you simplify management of your data so that you can increase reliability, improve performance and optimize your information technology (IT) resources
As your business processes rely on ever-growing quantities of data, storage and back-up are becoming increasingly critical,and more complex. Multimedia, e-business and the rise in high-end, enterprise-wide applications not only generate a broad mix of data types – digital, audio and video – but put new pressures on storage capacity methods and procedures.
AT&T has developed a service to address this need with AT&T Managed Storage Services. These services are a comprehensive suite of network-enhanced managed storage products. As the data requirements of the U.S.continue to grow, the need to store that data is also climbing.
With AT&T Managed Storage Services, we’ve partnered with industry-leader StorageNetworks to bring you the latest in advanced storage solutions designed to help you simplify management of your data so that you can increase reliability, improve performance and optimize your information technology (IT) resources. Delivered out of the AT&T e-Business Centers, we’ve enhanced our powerful e-platform architecture to provide a complete suite of storage and back-up and restore services. AT&T Managed Storage Services offer a full-service approach that includes everything you need, from hardware to round-the-clock support – all backed by robust service level agreements, proven methods and procedures, and 24 x 7 support.
StorageNetworks supports AT&T services with its STORos operating system, STORvision command and control software and provides Virtual Storage Portal SM (VSP) software as a reliable, scalable and secure operating infrastructure layer for the AT&T Managed Storage Services. These services will combine StorageNetworks’ software and services with the robust AT&T network to provide a wide range of network-centric storage services to businesses. The STORos operating system integrates and centralizes the distributed and heterogeneous management elements of a storage environment. StorageNetworks’ Virtual Storage Portal (VSP) and STORvision command and control software allow end users and service providers to access, control and manage their storage infrastructure.
Whether you simply need a remote back-up and restore solution for your core databases, or want to improve the efficiency, performance and scalability of your expanding,mission-critical data storage, AT&T has just what you need. It’s your answer for lowering your total cost of ownership and efficiently managing and protecting your valuable data without having to make capital investments in costly systems and support.
AT&T Managed Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions are an ideal way to connect your organization through the Internet — without compromising the security of your intellectual capital. In addition, VPN can extend your reach while delivering the performance and reliability of a traditional network.
VPN connects:
- Telecommuters
- Sales reps
- Remote branches
- Business partners, customers and vendors
Finding a Solution to Meet Your Needs
Use AT&T Managed Virtual Private Network Services for design, installation, management, and maintenance of an affordable package of options:
- Secure Remote Client VPN creates a secure connection between remote users and your Local-area Network (LAN). Industry-standard IPSec security protocol and 3DES encryption provide proven security, which can integrate with your authentication systems.
- For a complete end-to-end strategy, combine Secure Remote Client VPN with other AT&T services, such as Business Dedicated Internet Access (DIA), FastAccess DSL, or hosting of your Authentication, Authorization, Accounting (AAA) server in our state-of-the-art data centers.
- Managed Site VPN Service lets you connect multiple sites to create an intranet for in-house communication or an extranet to link to partners, customers, suppliers, and other resources and contacts. Sites can be added or removed easily and quickly. Support for end-to-end encryption and solutions based on IPSec network security standards also ensure security and future interoperability. Managed Site VPN service supports businesses of diverse sizes with two service offerings:
- Enterprise VPN: for large host and branch office locations
- Small Office VPN: for small businesses and remote offices
- 24 x 7 expert technical support
- Easy addition and removal of remote users
- Integration with your security policies, network architecture, and authentication systems
- Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
AT&T’s Unix based shared web hosting plans represent your best choice for stability, features and functionality at a price level that is more affordable than you might think
AT&T Unix based shared web hosting plans represent your best choice for stability, features and functionality at a price level that is more affordable than you might think.
Coupled with the following AT&T “must-haves”, our Unix Shared Web Hosting plans are the choice in shared Unix Hosting.
- Market leading bandwidth.
- 99.9% Server Uptime Guaranteed.
- 24×365 Technical Support.
- Convenient billing to your AT&T Telephone Number or credit card.
- Easy to manage month-to-month contracts.
- A reputation for excellence built on reliability, stability and customer service.
So whether you are new to the web or just looking for better provider, we are confident that our variety of offerings and quality of service will meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
Create your site in minutes using one of the more than 50 individually tunable templates available with AT&T Site Builder
n business today you are either on the “Net” or out of the game. In the past, powerful e-commerce solutions were available only to large businesses with lots of time, money and dedicated technical resources. With AT&T Site Builder, that has changed. AT&T Site Builder provides the technology to easily manage everything from a professional services office to an online mega-store.
Create your site in minutes using one of the more than 50 individually tunable templates available with AT&T Site Builder. Our online e-commerce portal – offers an established buying community while easy to manage upgrades offer advanced options for you as your business grows. Top it off with the following “must have” hosting services and AT&T Site Builder can not be beat.
- Unlimited bandwidth.
- Guaranteed server uptime.
- 24×365 Technical Support.
- Convenient billing to your AT&T Telephone Number or credit card.
- Affordable and easy to manage month-to-month contracts.
- A reputation for excellence built on reliability, stability and customer service.
The e-Business Center Security Services suite allows customers that host in the e-Business Center to outsource the management of one or more discrete Internet security functions
We live in an online economy. Electronic commerce, remote computing and many other online activities require networks to be open and accessible. But intrusion is on the rise – from hackers to debilitating viruses to devastating network intrusions. Both time and resources are needed to correct any interruption in service. Experts know that it’s a three-step process: prevention, followed by detection, and response.
Proper security requires knowledge, active management and continuous monitoring to ensure a secure infrastructure. Not an easy task. That is why AT&T has partnered with Internet Security Systems (ISS) to provide a complete suite of security solutions at our e-Business Centers.
All the products and services in our e-Business Centers are designed to provide our customers with maximum security and protection backed by 24/7 support. By offering a modular architecture, we can design solutions that meet our customers’ specific security requirements now, and in the future.
The e-Business Center Security Services suite allows customers that host in the e-Business Center to outsource the management of one or more discrete Internet security functions. The e-Business Center Security Services suite provides provisioning, installation, 24×7 monitoring, administration, telephone support and maintenance management of the e-Business Center security platforms.
Whether your e-Business strategy is an evolving initiative or sophisticated enterprise application, you need the reliability and security that AT&T Web Hosting Services offer
Whether your e-Business strategy is an evolving initiative or sophisticated enterprise application, you need the reliability and security that AT&T Web Hosting Services offer. AT&T e-Business Centers provide a superior outsourced infrastructure management with a secure, reliable and scaleable managed architecture environment for your business-critical, Web-based applications.
Our experience with decades of award-winning customer service allows us to bring reliability and credibility whether you are using the web to provide corporate information or launching a full e-commerce initiative. By utilizing AT&T three million miles of fiber-optic cable, 1,650 central switching offices, 15,000 SONET rings, more than 500 fast-packet switches, 50 AT&T Managed Facilities, and our existing network-based infrastructure, the AT&T e-Business Centers are uniquely positioned to deliver the reliability demanded by hosting customers.
Dial Direct Service
Across the state, across the country, and around the world, you can call anywhere serviced by direct distance calling – with AT&T Dial Direct Service
Across the state, across the country, and around the world, you can call anywhere serviced by direct distance calling – with AT&T Dial Direct Service.
Dial Direct service helps you control costs of outbound long distance. You can track expenses, manage charge-backs and control calling access for a single telephone or your entire enterprise. Plus, you get AT&T service and reliability, all at a competitive price.
- Project account codes on individual telephone numbers or trunk groups. For further security, you can have account code entries automatically verified against an authorized list at the time of the call, to make sure the entry is valid.
- Access to AT&T Operator Services, which allows a variety of call types:
- Station-to-station – Operator assisted
- Person-to-person – Operator assisted
- Collect – Automated and operator assisted
- Telco Calling Card – Automated and operator assisted
- Third Party – Operator assisted
- Directory Assistance – Operator assisted
- General Assistance
- Tracks the cost of long distance calling for analysis and forecasting
- Enables customers to charge back calls to appropriate cost center, employee, client, etc
- Prevents long distance abuse
- The AT&T Long Distance Customer Resource Center takes trouble reports 24 x 7 x 365, and you get prompt resolution with clearly defined incident priority levels, status reporting and escalation guidelines.
Long Distance Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Service
AT&T Long Distance Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Service is a high-speed switching technique that uses cells to integrate traffic over a single facility
AT&T Long Distance Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Service is a high-speed switching technique that uses cells to integrate traffic over a single facility. ATM is a powerful networking technology that supports a wide range of service levels enabling customers to prioritize voice, video, data, and image traffic.AT&T Long Distance ATM Service ensures the most critical traffic gets the greatest resources and the best service. Additionally, ATM runs over a closed network for the security and privacy of the customer’s traffic. Because it has a fixed packet size and is connection-oriented, it has very low latency, so all traffic moves quickly and efficiently over the network.
- Dedicated Access Up to 2.4Gbps – AT&T Long Distance ATM Service is accessed through a dedicated local connection from your site to the long distance ATM network. ATM network access ports support speeds up to 622 Mbps (OC-12).
- Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) -A PVC is a permanent logical pathway between two access ports on the ATM network. You can order PVC bandwidth in 8 kbps increments up to 45 Mbps, and PVCs are billed at a flat monthly fee.
- Quality of Service (QoS): A set of defined performance parameters that govern the traffic over a virtual connection on an end-to-end basis. These parameters specify values for peak bandwidth, average sustained bandwidth, and burst size. The ATM Switch has the ability to “enforce” QoS parameters and regulate traffic. Every PVC configured must have a QoS setting assigned. BSLD supports five QoS levels:
- Available Bit Rate (ABR): moderate latency, high delivery
- Committed Bit Rate (CBR): static delivery, lowest latency
- Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR): lowest queuing, basic delivery standards
- Variable Bit Rate non-real time (VBRnrt): standard queuing, nominal traffic loss and delay
- Variable Bit Rate real-time (VBRrt): highest queuing, liberal discard, low latency
- Virtual Path/Virtual Channel (VP/VC): two-layered hierarchical addressing scheme for ATM PVCs. A virtual path is the highest order logical address and refers to a given group of channels on a link. A virtual channel is the lowest order logical address in ATM. It refers to a specific circuit on an ATM link.
- Frame to ATM Internetworking: a feature that allows a Frame Relay PVC to be mapped to an ATM PVC. The Frame Relay packets are encapsulated and changed into cells; then the data is transmitted across the ATM Network to the designated ATM end
- ATM network transfers data faster than either Frame Relay or IP
- You get the security and privacy of a closed network, and the highest data integrity and lowest latency of any network technology
- ATM also lets you prioritize traffic so that the most critical items get the greatest resources and the best service
- AT&T Long Distance ATM Service, there’s no additional charge for frame relay to ATM interworking
- AT&T Service Level Agreements can assure you of ATM performance, availability and problem resolution that build confidence into your business processes.
- Your entire solution is presented on a single contract, with a single service contact, and provided on a single bill.
- The AT&T Long Distance Customer Resource Center takes trouble reports 24 x 7 x 365, and you get prompt resolution with clearly defined incident priority levels, status reporting and escalation guidelines.
Long Distance Frame Relay Service
If you’re transmitting large, unpredictable volumes of data among multiple locations, Frame Relay services can deliver affordable, flexible solutions
If you’re transmitting large, unpredictable volumes of data among multiple locations, Frame Relay services can deliver affordable, flexible solutions. Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) using Frame Relay can link all your sites with high transfer rates, high data security and high network availability.
Our Long Distance Frame Relay Service provides solutions to let you move data, image, voice and Internet communications locally, nationally and around the world. Where your locations are spread out among several campuses, data transport using Frame Relay can save you money compared to private line connections.
Long Distance Frame Relay Service gives you a choice of configuration options to optimize for local or long distance transport. And one of the industry’s widest selections of speeds lets you control costs by paying for the exact data rate you need.
- Class of Service (CoS) – A set of service parameters that govern the prioritization of traffic in the network. Each PVC translated must have a CoS setting assigned. BSLD supports three CoS levels:
- Variable Frame Rate-real time (VFRrt) – highest queuing, lowest latency
- Variable Frame Rate-non real time (VFRnrt) – standard delivery, minimal loss and delay
- Unspecified Frame Relay (UFR) – basic service, lowest queuing
- Back-Up Ports – a standby connection (Port and PSL), which is pre-configured to take over the Host’s traffic in the event the Primary Host suffers a failure. A Back-Up Port can support several Hosts, but only one at a time. In addition to the Back-Up Port and PSL charges, there is also a Back-up Enablement charge billed to each Primary Host for the “grooming” that is required so it’s PVCs can be switched to the Back-Up Port.
- Back-Up PVCs – secondary PVCs placed on a Remote which are mapped to a different Host. The Back-Up PVC is used to transmit data if the PVC to the Primary Host suffers a failure
- Service Level Agreements can assure you of performance, availability and problem resolution that build confidence into your business processes.
- Two configuration options let you optimize your frame relay operations to match your needs:
- Local Frame Relay when your locations are within the southeastern United States.
- Long Distance Frame Relay for wide geographic coverage.
This means that we can better tailor a frame relay solution to your specific pricing, application, and data connectivity needs. Also, regardless of how your frame relay network is designed, the entire solution is presented on a single contract, with a single service contact, and provided on a single bill.
- AT&T international Frame Relay service connects you to a Frame Relay network that reaches access points in over 48 countries
- Port speeds from 56 Kbps to 45Mbps are available, depending on your locations, and you can oversubscribe the host. These over-subscription and burst-speed capabilities let you reduce costs by using a lower-speed host. You can then upgrade the host speed as you need it.
- The AT&T Long Distance Customer Resource Center takes trouble reports 24 x 7 x 365, and you get prompt resolution with clearly defined incident priority levels, status reporting and escalation guidelines.
Long Distance Private Line
AT&T Long Distance Private Line Service offers digital circuits that deliver high speeds and low delays for data, video and voice traffic.
AT&T Long Distance Private Line Service offers digital circuits that deliver high speeds and low delays for data, video and voice traffic. Transmission speeds range from 56 Kbps (DS-0 service) up to 2.4 Gbps (OC-48 service), and because the network bandwidth is dedicated to your use, you get guaranteed capacity with virtually error-free quality.
A private line data solution can be more cost-effective than ATM or frame relay transport when your network end-points are clustered or when communication is primarily point-to-point. You can even serve international operations with private line connections worldwide.
Private lines give you AT&T reliability at a competitive price. And, they’re easy to manage because you have predictable, fixed costs and service level agreements (SLAs) that ensure critical performance levels.
- Variety of speeds – High-speed data transfers between locations can make your business processes more responsive and your organization more competitive. AT&T can provide private line speeds ranging from 56 kbps (DS-0 service) to 2.4 gbps (OC-48 service).
- Framing Formats – DS-1 service supports either Super Frame (D4) or Extended Super Frame (ESF) framing formats. ESF lets AT&T gather error statistics and line performance information from your terminating equipment to maintain the highest level of service. You can select the framing format you want when you order service.
- Signaling Formats DS-1 service supports both Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) and Bipolar 8 Zero Substitution (B8ZS) signaling formats. You can select the signaling format you want when you order service. AT&T also offers clear channel capability.
- International private lines can give you service coverage for strategic global markets and worldwide business operations.
- Service level agreements support business-critical applications. When data transport is important to your business, you want assurance of performance. You can get that assurance with AT&T Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for domestic private line services. Private line SLAs cover network availability to reimburse you for any interruptions of data transport between your sites.
- Dedicated account teams make your business a priority. Count on your AT&T account team to be your advocates with option choices, implementation status and timely problem escalation. Your business-critical applications are in good hands with AT&T .
- Consolidated, hierarchical billing and fixed pricing simplify management. You can get hierarchical billing for your private line services, which simplifies cost allocation. Consolidate your private reporting and billing with other AT&T services to make management even easier.
- The AT&T Long Distance Customer Resource Center takes trouble reports 24 x 7 x 365, and you get prompt resolution with clearly defined incident priority levels, status reporting and escalation guidelines.
Long Distance Voice VPN Service
AT&T® Long Distance Voice Virtual Private Network Service (VPN) is the communications solution for companies needing flexibility and customization of a private voice network across multiple locations.
AT&T Long Distance Voice Virtual Private Network Service (VPN) is the communications solution for companies needing flexibility and customization of a private voice network across multiple locations. Create your own private company network and customize it with a variety of features and user authorization levels.
Sample Applications
- Financial Services – allows for cost-effective interoffice communications between branches, headquarters, call centers and data centers
- Retail – private dialing plans can integrate store and department numbers to simplify your business
- Manufacturing – apply cost control measures in factories, mills or plants by providing calling capabilities and restrictions to meet the needs of each functional area and employee
- Network Remote Access– provides users access to the voice VPN via a toll-free access number.
- Percentage Allocation Routing– allows you to distribute calls to multiple network locations based upon a percentage defined by your business needs.
- Direct Termination Overflow – in the event that a call cannot complete over a telephone path due to a busy condition calls can overflow to up to three pre-determined alternate routes
- Project Account Codes– are required codes for the completion of long distance calls. These codes may also be uses to permit or restrict calling capabilities and to track and report long distance usage. Private Dial Plans – defines two to fifteen digit dial plans for calling between company locations.
- Forced On-Net Routing– identifies and routes calls as part of your private dial plan resulting in the most cost effective calling rate.
- 2 to 15-digit Exclusion– eliminates the need for account codes on certain telephone numbers defined by you.
- Extended VPN– adds frequently called, non-company locations (vendor, supplier, customer) to your private dial plans.
- Call Redirect– calls may be re-directed to another location on a temporary or permanent basis
- Super Trunk – distributes calls evenly across multiple trunk groups served by a common network switch.
- Prohibits unauthorized long distance usage and abuse
- Tracks long distance usage by user or departments
- Improves security and cost control
- Abbreviated dialing to non-enterprise locations give users shorter numbers to memorize
- By directing calls over voice VPN, calls billed at lowest possible rate
- Workload can be distributed equally between several work groups
Prepaid Cards for Business
In today’s marketplace it may not be enough to offer the best products, lowest rates or fastest service.
In today’s marketplace it may not be enough to offer the best products, lowest rates or fastest service. Relationships are the foundation for good business – relationships with current customers, prospective clients, employees and the community at large. To stand apart, little things can make a big difference.
Are you looking for ways to enrich existing business relationships and create goodwill for your company? AT&T Prepaid Cards for Business offer a simple, cost-effective means to reward customers, incent employees and improve awareness.
Toll-Free Service
AT&T Toll-Free Service is a feature-rich application for companies seeking to provide easy calling access into their business
AT&T Toll-Free Service is a feature-rich application for companies seeking to provide easy calling access into their business. Whether it’s for a simple use like a fax line or a multi-location call center environment, AT&T full line of toll-free routing and enhanced features permit customization and specialization to meet the needs of your business.
- International Toll-Free Services from over 50 countries
- Tailored Call Coverage permits call blocking from areas defined by our customers
- Payphone Blocking prohibittoll-free calls from public pay phones
- Project Accounting Codes allow you to track inbound usage back to specific user codes and/or to limit use to only those dialing authorized codes
- Real Time Automatic Number Identification provides the telephone number of the calling party in most instances
- Dialed Number Identification Serviceallows the easy identification of a called number when the multiple toll-free numbers share a common facility
- Direct Termination Overflowsends overflow calls to a pre-determined alternate location
- Time-of-Day Routing routes calls to a customer defined location based upon the time the call is originated
- Day-of-Week Routing routes calls to a customer defined location based upon the day the call is originated
- Day-of-Year Routing routes calls to a customer defined location based upon the date the call is originated, such as a holiday
- Percentage Allocation Routingdistributes toll-free calls to different terminating locations based on the percent of calls defined by the customer attempted to the toll-free number
- Menu Routingallows callers to select the call destination via prerecorded messages and touchtone options
- Geographical Routing automatically routes calls to the customer’s chosen location based on the originating location of the caller
- Alternate Call Routingallows a customer to pre-define alternate routing arrangements that can be activated upon customer’s request
- Control costs by permitting and/or denying call origination points
- Route calls to customer service representatives who can best handle your clients’ needs
- Store contingency call routing plans which can be activated in a matter of minutes
- Provide call coverage at multiple locations for lunch hours and overnight
- Increase productivity by distributing calls between multiple locations
- The AT&T Long Distance Customer Resource Center takes trouble reports 24 x 7 x 365, and you get prompt resolution with clearly defined incident priority levels, status reporting and escalation guidelines.
AT&T Calling Card
The AT&T® Long Distance Calling Card is a cost-effective, convenient calling card designed especially for business travelers.
The AT&T Long Distance Calling Card is a cost-effective, convenient calling card designed especially for business travelers. To use the AT&T Long Distance Calling Card, the user dials a AT&T specific toll-free access number and enters their 10-digit calling card number and 4 digit pin. Callers can use special speed-dialing features if desired and follow voice prompts if needed. Calling rates and any associated surcharges depend on call origination and termination.
- Improved customer service and satisfaction
- Convenience to the customer
- Additional customer control
- Improved security
- Improved allocation of costs/Manage costs
- Improve inter-office dialing efficiencies
- Reduce costs
- Features
Customer Selected Card Numbers and PIN’S: The AT&T Long Distance Calling Card will allow customers the ability to select their own 10 digit calling card number and 4 digit Personal Identification Number (PIN). Number selection is based on system availability.
Restrictions: A limit of 15 pin numbers for any one 10-digit card.No more than three consecutive numbers are allowed in a card number or a pin.No more than 4 progressive numbers are allowed in a card number or pin. Card Numbers and Pins cannot start with a leading “0”
International Dialing: The AT&T Long Distance Calling Card will allow customers the ability to place international calls from the US as well as place calls while overseas from over 50 countries
Operator Assistance: 24/7 Operator Services with Live and Automated operators will support the AT&T Long Distance Calling Card. Collect or third party call completions will not be allowed.Pound “#” Re-origination
Speed Dialing: The AT&T Long Distance Calling Card will provide a speed-dialing feature that allows the customer to program up to nine frequently used numbers for abbreviated dialing.
Co-Branded Cards: AT&T Long Distance offers a “Co-Branded Calling Card” product. This allows the customer to add their logo to the lower right hand corner of the standard AT&T Long Distance Calling Card. The logo can be up to one inch wide and three-quarter inches tall. The logo location on the card is restricted to the lower right hand corner. It can only be one predefined color- black, navy blue, forest green, white, or silver.
Private Labeled Cards: AT&T Long Distance offers a “Private Labeled Calling Card” product. This allows the customer to customize the AT&T Long Distance Calling Card with their logo or corporate image. AT&T Long Distance will also allow the customer to customize the voice scripts of the calling card to greet their customer or employees with their company name or slogan.
Remote Network Access to customers Private VPN Dial Plan: The AT&T Long Distance Calling Card will allow customer the ability to access Virtual Private Network dialing plans, which provide abbreviated dialing and enhance call control. Customers will be able to access their own private dial plans.
VPN Features For Calling Card: The following VPN features will be available to VPN customers using the AT&T Long Distance Calling Card:
- Private Dial Plan: VPN Customers can define their own custom 2-15 digit dial plan for calling between company locations. The user enters the dial plan digits after entering his/her calling card number.
- Range Privileges – Standard: Customers can use one of 6 pre-defined universal range privileges to assign calling privileges for locations or individuals according to call type. 0 = No Calls 1 = Private Dial Plan Calls Only (“PDP”) 2 = PDP and U.S. (U.S. Includes Alaska and Hawaii) 3 = All Calls (Most Common Range Privilege) 4 = PDP, U.S., and Canada 5 = PDP and NANP (U.S., Canada, PR, VI)
Range Privileges – Custom: Customized range privileges can be created for customers offering granular class of service options. Customized range privileges can restrict or enable calling specific country codes, international dialed digits, international city codes, domestic ANI’s, NPA/NXX combinations, or NPA combinations.
* Calling Card originations from Alaska not allowed. California intrastate services provided by Qwest Communications Corporation.
AT&T On-Demand Meeting Service
In it’s simplest form, AT&T On-Demand Meeting Service provides a fully automated, reservation-less conferencing service that enables conference hosts to initiate and conduct audio conferences instantly
In it’s simplest form, AT&T On-Demand Meeting Service provides a fully automated, reservation-less conferencing service that enables conference hosts to initiate and conduct audio conferences instantly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – with up to 100 participants. Audio conferencing hosts can easily manage the conference by using touch-tone prompts with their telephone keypad or with the click of a mouse via an online interface.
Ideal for : Management meetings, customer communications, project & crisis management and instant meetings.
AT&T Web Meeting Service
AT&T Web Meeting Service opens the door to more visual, dynamic and easier to follow virtual meetings. It allows the moderator to access their personal conference room 24×7, give PowerPoint presentations, application share and more – eliminating the need for time consuming and costly travel.
Integrating AT&T On-Demand Conferencing and Web Conferencing merges the simplicity of the telephone with the power of the Internet, allowing the customer access both services to one source—one interface. By using both components of AT&T Conferencing Service platform, conference host have complete control over every function of their audio and web conference
Dial-out to participants, conduct a PowerPoint presentation, mute all participants, carry out polls and surveys, and more – every audio and web conferencing feature is managed by the host via our simple online interface!
Ideal for: Trainings, sales presentations, product launches, weekly meetings, financial reviews, investor relations, press conferences, focus groups, management meetings, project & crisis management and instant project collaboration.
For more information or to place an order for service contact your local AT&T Representative.
Additional information regarding Audio Features:
Meeting Number & PIN Security
Each account owner is issued his/her own meeting number and host PIN. Participants must enter the Meeting Number/Pass Code after dialing in and will be placed on music hold until the host arrives. The host must enter both the Meeting Number/Pass Code and their PIN in order to activate the conference call. The host can also require participants to enter a participant PIN before being joined to the conference. This is accomplished in one of two ways:
- The host may call the AT&T helpdesk and request that a participant PIN be added to their account. This PIN will remain unchanged and continue to be required until the host calls the helpdesk and requests/provides a new PIN or asks to have the participant PIN deactivated.
- The host, through the online interface, logs in to their meeting room and adds, changes or deactivates participant PINs at will.
Lock/Unlock Conference
Conference host can “Lock” the conference call using a simple touch-tone prompt. This prevents others from being able to dial-in. When a conference is “Locked” the Waiting/Greeting Room is automatically activated and the conference host will be signaled by a series of three “beeps” letting him or her know that someone is waiting to join the conference call.
Participant Waiting/Greeting Room
When activated by the host, all participants dialing in to the conference are placed on music hold. The host, through simple touch-tone commands then has the option to join participants one-by-one or all at once to the conference call.
The host can easily dial-out to as many participants as they require, adding them to the conference or placing them in the Waiting/Greeting Room as they are contacted. For added convenience, the audio system will remember the last number dialed so you can quickly redial if a busy signal is encountered.
Coordinator On Demand
Operator support is always available, 24x7x365, by simply dialing toll free to a dedicated conference operator – while on a conference, operators can be requested by dialing * 10 * while on a conference.
Listen Only Q&A
Listen Only Q&A allows the host to mute all participants by placing the conference call in a “Lecture” mode.
eBilling for Long Distance
AT&T eBilling is a self service tool that helps customers save time and money by viewing and paying their long distance services online.
AT&T eBilling is a self service tool that helps customers save time and money by viewing and paying their long distance services online. The Web-based invoice management platform is available free of charge through the secure AT&T Business Class Online (BCO) application suite.*
AT&T eBilling lets you:
- View all invoices, reports and billing information available in paper format
- Access up to 12 months of past invoices
- Search for specific invoice data and view bill summaries
- Cut and paste reports or specific data required for internal reporting into desktop applications
- Print any section of your bill
- Pay invoices online via credit card or bank account (ACH electronic transfer)
- Configure eBilling to automatically pay new invoices
- Choose to stop receiving paper invoices altogether
Cisco Unified Communications (UC) from AT&T
AT&T VoIP provides a unique opportunity for businesses to converge voice traffic over a data infrastructure. By joining disparate networks carrying voice, data and video traffic into a single unified network, businesses can enable new applications, increase productivity and lower operational costs.
AT&T , teamed with Cisco, offers equipment-based VoIP products. Cisco Unified Communications (UC) is the best-of-breed choice for ground-up deployment. Cisco UC provides the road map for combining business and technology strategies into one cohesive model. The baseline infrastructure for UC provides high performance and resilience in connectivity, security and availability while delivering e-business infrastructure and intelligent network services.
Equipment-based VoIP Solutions from AT&T that delivers many benefits including:
- Enables multi-site communications on a single platform
- Retains internal control of communications network
- Improves employee productivity and enhances customer service
- Lowers operation costs by eliminating the need for separate voice and data vendors
- Increases network security, efficiency and performance
Equipment-based VoIP: Avaya Communications Manager from AT&T
At AT&T, we see ourselves as your communications partner, helping you determine which VoIP or alternative solution best meets the short and long-term needs of your business. For enterprises with dedicated on-site resources to support management, maintenance and security, an equipment-based solution can offer you greater control and more synergies with existing systems.
AT&T, teamed with Avaya, offers customers equipment-based VoIP products including Avaya Communications Manager. Avaya Communications Manager allows businesses to harness the power of a converged IP-based voice/data network. This foundational application operates with Avaya’s media servers, media gateways, network-management tools and communications devices. Avaya Communication Manager can support a hybrid TDM and IP environment.
AT&T has provided VoIP solutions to our business customers for more than three years as part of our comprehensive voice and data services portfolio. For more information regarding AT&T IP Solutions, contact your AT&T Account Representative or click the link below to request sales contact.
AT&T VoIP featuring Nortel CS1000
AT&T VoIP provides a unique opportunity for businesses to converge voice traffic over a data infrastructure. By joining disparate networks carrying voice, data and video traffic into a single, unified network, businesses can enable new applications, increase productivity and lower operational costs. For enterprises with dedicated on-site resources to support management, maintenance, and security, an equipment-based solution can offer you greater control and more synergies with existing systems.
AT&T , teamed with Nortel, offers equipment-based VoIP products including Nortel CS1000. Nortel CS1000 is best-of-breed for enhancing existing equipment investments. CS1000 features an open architecture for slow expansion, IP WAN networking, branch office connectivity and survivability, IP Peering and expanded desktop capabilities.
AT&T IP Solutions
AT&T IP Solutions is a suite of converged voice and data services that integrates our VoIP infrastructure, CPE offerings (IP phones, gateways, etc.) and data networking capabilities. Our hosted IP portfolio utilizes a secure, MPLS backbone to support multiple forms of access, mobility and Web-based user administration capabilities. By bundling elements like voice, messaging, audio conferencing, Internet access and attendant console tools, we can help business customers improve efficiencies, tighten synergies…and cut costs.
AT&T offers AT&T IP Solutions with two initial service offerings:
AT&T Integrated Solutions Plus: This standard, pre-designed VoIP offering includes Internet access, Access CPE, lines, stations, standard station and group features. Optional features to the base offer include an enhanced features package, Unified Messaging, Attendant Console, additional lines and telephone numbers, IP telephone sets and more. In addition, this solution supports Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA), assuring that access bandwidth is used efficiently.
AT&T Business VoIP Service: AT&T Business VoIP offer is an unbundled VoIP offering – sold per station – where the size and complexity of the network and the customer requires a complex network design. The specific network configuration, firewalls, simultaneous calls supported, voice and CPE are determined per customer and per site. AT&T is pleased to provide varying degrees of consultative or joint design activity based on specific customer requirements or preferences. Optional features to the base offer also include Unified Messaging, Attendant Console, additional lines and more.
Why AT&T?
AT&T Brings a wealth of experience in both voice and data, which means we can help businesses like yours stay ahead of the curve by providing a bridge between legacy systems and VoIP. We are able to bundle aggressively by introducing service capabilities that extend above and beyond what other providers can offer from a price and value perspective.
Back-Up Lines
A AT&T Back-Up line is a special type of additional line that handles overflow calls from the primary business line – The back-up line is designed for customers who experience fluctuations in call volume and are not sure if they are receiving all their calls
A AT&T Back-Up line is a special type of additional line that handles overflow calls from the primary business line. The back-up line is designed for customers who experience fluctuations in call volume and are not sure if they are receiving all their calls.
With a AT&T Back-Up line, customers can:
- Monitor and determine the volume of traffic received on overflow lines.
- Receive a monthly calling activity summary that shows calls handled by the back-up line.
- Determine when it is cost effective to add a line, based on the activity summary.
A back-up line:
- Costs half the monthly rate of a business line with a per-minute usage charge
- Is often used for fax service, as it can be difficult to determine the number of missed faxes incurred by busy conditions
- Is often part of a business continuity plan
Business Choice Package
AT&T Business Choice Package consists of a Business Plus service plan and a choice of up to five selected calling features per line
AT&T Business Choice Package consists of a Business Plus service plan and a choice of up to five selected calling features per line.
Business Lines
Make and receive calls, Access local and long distance service
AT&T Business Lines provide basic dial tone and enable customers to:
- Make and receive calls
- Access local and long distance service
Billing plans:
- Flat rate business lines (1FBs) are billed at a flat rate
- Measured rate business lines (1MBs) are billed at a flat rate plus usage
Business Plus Service
AT&T Business Plus Service is offered as a business individual line service (not available on trunks or ISDN), with two LATA-wide calling options
AT&T Business Plus Service is offered as a business individual line service (not available on trunks or ISDN), with two LATA-wide calling options:
- Option 1 – Allows for unlimited calling within the LATA for a flat rate (subject to a total usage allowance of 120 hours/7,200 minutes per month).
- Option 2 – Provides for unlimited usage within the limited local calling area for a flat monthly charge, and a single rate for each minute of use for all other calling within the LATA.
Business Trunks
Trunks are line-side circuits that connect a customer’s premises-based switching system (PBX) to a AT&T central office
Trunks are line-side circuits that connect a customer’s premises-based switching system (PBX) to a AT&T central office. Trunks are available as:
- Analog
- Digital
Trunks may be configured as:
- Inbound – Provides termination of incoming calls at the attendant console
- Outbound – Provides one-way outgoing service for direct dialed calls
- Combination – Provides both incoming and outgoing call capability
- Flat-rate trunks offer cost savings due to the “pooled” nature of the facilities
- Measured-rate (usage-based) trunks are designed for PBX customers with heavy inbound and light outbound traffic
Call Forwarding Services
Forward calls from one line to another so that you can be reached at another location or someone else can accept the calls
Call Forwarding Services from the AT&T Business organization let you:
- Take control of your time.
- Determine when, where, and how your calls are received – without inconveniencing your callers.
- Avoid worrying about lost messages or missing vital calls.
Get all of these features in one low-cost, reliable package:
- Call Forwarding Services. Forward calls from one line to another so that you can be reached at another location or someone else can accept the calls.
- Remote Access to Call Forwarding. Activate or deactivate the Call Forwarding feature from any remote touch-tone telephone, for flexibility in determining the destination of forwarded calls.
- Call Forwarding Don’t Answer. After a preset number of rings, forward all calls to another predetermined telephone number, which can be voicemail, an answering service, or an alternate location.
- Call Forwarding Busy Line. Forwards calls to a back-up number whenever your line is busy.
- Activate or deactivate Call Forwarding features from any touch-tone telephone.
- Forward calls to a predetermined number after a preset number of rings.
- Forward calls to a back-up number any time the originally dialed number is busy.
- Send calls to your remote location, answering service, voicemail, or any other destination that you desire.
- Provides a flexible and reliable way to handle messages.
- Reduces worries about power outages or mechanical failures.
- Allows callers to leave messages without having to endure frustrating busy signals.
- Enhances customer satisfaction because callers can more easily leave messages for their intended party.
- Improves customer service because messages are never missed.
- Reduces downtime spend managing messages.
CrisisLink Service
When disaster strikes, AT&T Business CrisisLink Service gets you back in business quickly and efficiently
When disaster strikes, AT&T Business CrisisLink Service gets you back in business quickly and efficiently. Your phones are the lifelines of your business, and the longer you stay out of touch, the bigger the impact on your bottom line
CrisisLink Service protects incoming calls on systems with:
- Multi-Line Hunt Groups (MLHGs)
- Direct Inward Dialing (DID) facilities
- MultiServ service station lines
When service is interrupted at your business, calls are automatically redirected to a standard announcement or an alternate location. When a problem occurs, all you do is contact AT&T to activate the redirection plan you’ve set up. It’s that easy.
- Activate easily, usually in 30 minutes or less
- Redirect calls automatically to a single alternate number or multiple alternate numbers
- Allocate a certain percentage of calls to each alternate number to handle large call volumes
- Add Back-Up Lines to your alternate numbers to provide additional capacity during an emergency
- Restore service all at once or incrementally
- Determine when to restore service by bypassing the redirection and placing calls to your regular numbers
- Provide reports that give the number of lines affected, the number of calls rerouted and downtime experienced
- Saves money by dramatically reducing the losses that could be incurred due to interruption of phone service
- Provides peace of mind by establishing a comprehensive plan that will keep your phone lines functioning during an emergency
- Improves customer relations by assuring clients that communications will be maintained despite adverse circumstances
- Helps you assess the impact of the problem with detailed reports
- Increases security by limiting the impact of vandalism or sabotage to phone systems
Hunting/Multiline Hunting Service
Hunting/Multiline Hunting provides basic dial plus it enables customers to make and receive calls and access local and long distance service.
Hunting/Multiline Hunting provides basic dial plus it enables customers to make and receive calls and access local and long distance service.
Billing plans:
- Flat rate business lines (1FBs) are billed at a flat rate
- Measured rate business lines (1MBs) are billed at a flat rate plus usage
MemoryCall Announcement Service
If you’re a MultiServ PLUS Service or ESSX Service customer with 100 or more lines, you are eligible for MemoryCall Announcement Service – a service that lets you provide callers with customized recorded announcements. The service supports up to ten simultaneous calls, with options of one, three, or six minutes.
Access the service using your password, and update announcements from any touch-tone phone, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can configure the three minute announcement so that callers can press “0” to transfer to an attendant.
Customers can listen to your announcements at any time, so you can serve customers outside normal business hours.
- Recorded announcements customized to suit your specific needs
- 24 x 7 access
- Password-protected access that allows you to change announcements at any time
- Support for up to 10 simultaneous calls
- One-, three-, or six-minute announcements
- Caller can press “0” to transfer to an attendant
- Extends hours of operation by allowing callers to access information at any time
- Increases efficiency by automating routine calls
- Enhances customer satisfaction by making it easier for callers to access desired information at any time
- Increases productivity by allowing you to receive up to 10 calls simultaneously
MemoryCall VoiceMail Services
AT&T MemoryCall VoiceMail Services provide reliable, flexible messaging for your business.
- Calls are answered with your personal greeting when a live operator isn’t available.
- Callers can leave detailed messages, with a variety of features and delivery options – from pager notification of messages and receipt confirmation to group list distribution.
MemoryCall service offers an all-in-one automated system for:
- Answering calls.
- Collecting, routing, and replying to messages.
- Broadcasting notices to multiple recipients within your organization.
You never have to worry about power outages or mechanical failures as you do with traditional answering machines. And depending on the type of MemoryCall service you select, you can access a variety of advanced features from your touch-tone telephone.
- When combined with one or more of our Call Forwarding services, MemoryCallVoiceMail Answering Services allow callers to leave messages without having to endure frustrating busy signals. Messages are automatically forwarded to your voice mailbox, which features a personally recorded greeting.
- MemoryCallBusiness Extension Mailbox allows you to divide a single voice mailbox into a main mailbox and up to three sub-mailboxes – each with its own personal greeting and password. Employees don’t have to wade through all the messages sent into the company just to receive their own messages.
- MemoryCallFlat Rate offers the features and flexibility of MemoryCallAnswering Service plus:
- Call Return to Operator gives callers the option to press “0” to be routed to a receptionist or live answering service.
- Urgent/Private Message Flag lets you mark a message as “urgent” or “private” so that it cannot be forwarded from the recipient to anyone else.
- Pager Notification works in conjunction with your pager to alert you of all or just urgent messages.
- MemoryCallDeluxe offers the capabilities of MemoryCallFlat Rate with the following added features:
- Internal Message Manager allows you to send and reply to fellow employees using AT&T MemoryCallVoiceMail Services.
- Future Delivery enables messages to be delivered up to 30 days from the date they were recorded. Up to five “future delivery” messages may be pending at a time.
- Group Distribution allows you to send the same message to many individuals at one time. You may have up to ten distribution lists with each list capable of handling 25 mailbox subscribers.
- Message Confirmation lets callers who are on AT&T MemoryCallVoiceMail Services request a confirmation of message and/or notification.
- Call Forwarding Busy prevents busy signals by forwarding calls to your voice mailbox when you’re on the phone.
- Call Forwarding Don’t Answer forwards calls to your voice mailbox when you’re unable to answer.
- Call Forwarding Variable enables you to activate Call Forwarding at your discretion by dialing an activation code, then turn it off using a cancellation code.
- Message Waiting Indicator notifies you of new messages via a stutter tone when you pick up the telephone receiver.
- Reduces downtime spent managing messages – with MemoryCall Business Extension Mailbox, employees don’t have to wade through all the messages sent into the company just to receive their own.
- Improves privacy by allowing you to mark a message as “urgent” or “private” so that it cannot be forwarded from the recipient to anyone else.
- Eliminates worries about power outages or mechanical failures.
- Enhances customer satisfaction because callers can more easily leave messages for their desired parties.
- Improves customer service because messages are never missed.
AT&T MultiServ service is a voice communications system that uses the power of the AT&T central office to provide internal and external communication service to businesses
AT&T MultiServ service is a voice communications system that uses the power of the AT&T central office to provide internal and external communication service to businesses. There is no expensive equipment to outgrow, as MultiServ service is flexible in size, and has an array of packaged features that customers can select to fulfill their business needs.
MultiServ service just requires phones and a simple control computer. Each phone has its own seven-digit number, along with the features you need. Whether a business has two lines or 100, every user in the business has a unique direct telephone number.
AT&T Business MultiServ service intelligence is located in a state-of-the-art AT&T site, so you are assured of 24-hour monitoring, maintenance, and a system that constantly adapts to your normal business flow and flux – and with all the equipment and back-up. Additionally, MultiServ service is designed to help you keep up with a changing world, by easily integrating with other AT&T network services that previously may have been out of your reach.
- No equipment or maintenance cost
- More than 50 features
- Ability to expand and reduce lines as business dictates
- Built-in reliability and redundancy
- Each phone number has its own direct number
- Not mileage sensitive
- Your selected features
- Easy installation and implementation
- Easy billing
- Satisfaction guaranteed
- Easily integrated with ISDN, voice mail systems, etc.
- For a low monthly cost, AT&T Business MultiServ service provides a hassle-free telecommunications system that can be modified and developed according to each company’s and individual’s needs
- This innovative and flexible voice/data service also guarantees reliable and redundant business continuity, the ability to integrate with other AT&T network services, and constant adaptation to the world’s changing technology and your changing network needs
AT&T Centrex
AT&T Centrex is a voice communications system that uses the power of the AT&T central office to provide internal and external communication service to businesses
There is no expensive equipment to outgrow as AT&T Centrex service is flexible in size and has an array of over 100 features that customers can select to fulfill their business needs. Businesses can change in size, enlarge or scale down, without having to replace their communications system. All upgrades and changes are done at the central office. Whether a business has two lines or 100, every user in the business has a unique direct telephone number. Each AT&T central office is monitored, maintained and backed up 24 hours a day.
Reliability and redundancy are also built into the systems so that businesses have the continuity protection they need. AT&T Centrex service is the edge businesses need in connecting to the future. And now with AT&T Centrex Control, businesses gain the ability to manage their own telecommunications service. The new Graphical User Interface (GUI) is designed to provide Centrex management functionality that is efficient, easy to learn, and easy to use.
Laptop Connect: Mobilize Your Laptops
Laptop modem cards from AT&T and Cingular quickly transform laptops into mobile productivity tools. Part of Cingular’s LaptopConnect suite of products, laptop modem cards enable mobile workers to stay in touch with customers, business partners, and co-workers while out of the office using the laptops they already know and use.
Compatible with most Windows-based systems, PC cards allow laptops to send and receive data using Cingular’s wireless network. With the speed and coverage of Cingular’s data wireless network, mobile workers can access:
- Business and personal email and attachments
- Documents, spreadsheets and presentations
- The Internet
- Corporate intranets, networks and files
- Business applications
Push to Talk-the new way of doing business
Contact any other Cingular user with PTT-instantly. The ALLOVER Network covers over 270 million people and is growing all of the time. Push to Talk works across the entire network to make sure you have a clear signal so you can get things done.
Push to Talk Features:
- Availability status: Easy-to-read icons let you know when members of your contact list are available, not available, or have their status set to “Do Not Disturb.” You can also set your own status to let others know that you’re busy.
- Conversion to voice call: When a quick PTT call needs to be a longer discussion convert the call easily to a regular voice call. Works for one-to-one calls as well as group calls.
- Quick groups:Save time on group calling by pulling up your contacts and simply “marking” those you wish to include on a call. No need to set up and save groups before calling, unless you want to.
- Contact alerts:Find out immediately when someone you’re waiting for becomes available.
Wireless Data Backup
Wireless Data Backup from AT&T and Cingular provides diverse and secure backup for mission critical applications. This comprehensive, end-to-end solution utilizes Ethernet-to-wireless connectivity. It starts with a wireless access device on the customer’s site configured to deliver automatic failover connectivity in the event that the primary wireline connection is unavailable. The solution can be designed to provide dedicated frame relay connectivity or IPSec over Internet from the wireless provider to the customer’s data center. Simple plug-ins and a user-friendly, web-based interface make installation and network management easy.
Ideal for transaction processing and lower bandwidth applications in remote locations, Wireless Data Backup from AT&T is “always-on.” AT&T increases routing diversity and reduces risk by offering a low-cost alternative to ISDN, Frame Relay or T-1 backup. If your business can’t afford downtime, choose Wireless Data Backup from AT&T and Cingular – the perfect complement to your data network. For additional information about AT&T wireless solutions for your business, please contact a AT&T Account Executive by selecting the button below.
Wireless Email Service from AT&T and Cingular
Wireless Email Service from AT&T and Cingular provides flexible options for keeping your employees connected and productive no matter where they go.
Wireless Email access allows mobile employees to stay connected to colleagues, customers, and prospects using email and a wide range of popular personal information managers (PIMs), like ACT!®, Lotus Notes®, Microsoft Office®, and industry-standard CRM and ERP applications. Wireless synchronization keeps contacts, calendars, corporate data, tasks, and notes up-to-date while devices are within our expansive coverage area.
All options are easy to deploy, cost effective to manage, and designed to meet the most ambitious business objectives. And, each solution delivers nothing less than enterprise-level service without compromise.
Wireless Email Service from AT&T and Cingular includes comprehensive features for managing mobile software deployments, upgrades, and policies and settings, including:
- Device management and monitoring tools designed to leverage existing infrastructure, investment, and IT capabilities
- Delegated administration for controlling permissions to sensitive IT functions
- Multiple security features, including Verisign® triple DES encryption
- Remote data lock, erase, or password change, protect sensitive data and prevent abuse
- Over-the-air data encryption
With Wireless Email Service from AT&T and Cingular, your users are able to be more productive using familiar technology from the industry leader in enterprise-grade solutions.
AT&T Integrated Solutions
AT&T Integrated Solutions (BIS) is an alternative to purchasing multiple voice, data and Internet network services. Customers are served by a single access connection that is proactively managed and monitored. Due to the elimination of costs associated with managing multiple networks, customers save valuable time and money by implementing an integrated solution.
- Both voice and data are integrated over a single T1 facility
- Cost savings by utilizing one T1 for all your voice and Internet needs
- Dedicated Internet Access with 100% Committed Information Rate
- No IT staff needed for CPE maintenance
Service may not be available in all areas.
AT&T Long Distance Business Class Family of Services
Your business needs a long distance solution that provides competitive rates for high volume switched or dedicated access for voice, reliable data connectivity, and/or service to locations outside the AT&T franchise area
The AT&T Long Distance Business Class suite of voice and data products offers you complete communication solutions from a carrier you know, with single-point-of-contact convenience for ordering, billing and problem resolution. Service Level Agreements give you the assurance of high data performance, and you get AT&T service and reliability – all at competitive prices.
AT&T Managed Network VPN Service
Your business needs a cost effective solution for establishing secure, private network that enables data connection and integration of multiple offices to centralize records, share applications and eliminate congestion.
AT&T Managed Network VPN Service provides a cost-effective solution for establishing secure Wide Area Network (WAN) connectivity over shared IP network infrastructure (think Frame Relay with greater flexibility). With Managed Network VPN you can take advantage of the world-class security and reliability of the AT&T network while maintaining the look and feel of your own private network.
- Lower total cost of ownership for your business – all functionality of AT&T Network VPN Service is located on the AT&T network
- Greater flexibility to support a wide range of applications (Internet, Intranet, Extranet) and access types (DSL, frame relay, private line)
- Extend the reach of your existing IT department with AT&T network management
AT&T MegaLink® T1 Service
Your business needs to consolidate individual voice, data and video traffic between two or more business locations through a single, dedicated access point.
AT&T MegaLink service can simplify your network with a T1 with 1.544 Mbps of bandwidth. You can use as a private line or channelized into 24 voice or data channels.
- Save money by using fewer lines
- Expand your network
- Choose your services
- Rely on experts to configure your network
Service may not be available in all areas.
AT&T Metro Ethernet Service
Your business operates multiple sites in a metropolitan area, and needs a wide range of speeds, scalable solutions, and new capabilities � all with lower costs while utilizing familiar technologies
AT&T Metro Ethernet Service offers a wide range of speeds, which means you can select the one that best fits your needs.
If you operate multiple sites in a metropolitan area, you know the high-speed connectivity of Local Area Networks (LANs) at each location can give you powerful cost and productivity benefits. Now, with AT&T Metro Ethernet Service, you can rethink your traditional connections � and access large volumes of data and run bandwidth-intensive applications over a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) � while minimizing added equipment and costs.
- Flexible, scalable metropolitan area networks
- Wide range of speeds
- Familiar protocol
- Greater availability
- Cost-effective, high-bandwidth connectivity
- World-class AT&T service and reliability
Get connected today! Contact your AT&T Representative to find out if Metro Ethernet Service is right for your business. *Service may not be available in all areas.
AT&T Metro Ethernet Service brings new capabilities and lower costs to a familiar technology.
Until recently, the capacity limitations of conventional Ethernet discouraged its use for connecting multiple sites. Bandwidth needs forced system designers to turn less familiar � and more costly � protocols such as Frame Relay or Asynchronous Transfer Mode, which require expertise, as well as additional training, equipment, and ongoing maintenance costs. With Metro Ethernet Service, you can obtain cost-effective, high-capacity connections among multiple LAN sites in a metropolitan area. The result: lower training costs, lower operational costs, and simplification of changes to and growth in your network operations. And don’t forget AT&T quality of service and reliability
AT&T Metro Ethernet Service offers you a wide range of scalable solutions.
Depending on your location, Metro Ethernet connections may be delivered over copper or fiber to meet your business growth needs. Metro Ethernet connections include 2, 4, and 8 Mbps � referred to as Mid-Band Ethernet. These speeds may be provisioned over copper or fiber where available. In addition, Metro Ethernet connections ranging from 10 Mbps to 1,000 Mbps are provisioned over fiber. You can choose from four service options: Basic, Dedicated, Premium and Virtual, with Service Level Agreements available on our Premium service when you subscribe to our Metro Ethernet Reporting Feature.
How can I connect all of our LANs within our tight budget?
AT&T Metro Ethernet Service provides a high-performance connection with a low learning cost. You can select from the following service options:
- 2, 4, 8 Mbps speed with copper or fiber delivery (depending on location, no bursting)
- 10, 100, 1000 Bbps best-effort service with fiber delivery
- Need to share LAN data between multiple sites
- Most cost-effective solution for many businesses
- Multipoint and “hub-and-spoke”
- Optical and electrical interfaces (10/100Base-T)
- Point-to-point connection on dedicated fiber
- 100, 1000 Mbps
- Ideal for data backup, imaging
- 2, 4, 8 Mbps speed with copper or fiber delivery (depending on location, no bursting)
- 10, 100, 1000 Mbps committed bandwidth with fiber delivery (with burstable options)
- Class of Service
- Supports VoIP
- Limited VLAN aggregation
- Network monitoring, performance reporting
- Optional Service Level Agreement offered (requires Metro Ethernet Reporting Feature)
- 2,4,8 Mbps speed with copper or fiber delivery (depending on location, no bursting)
- 10,100,1000 Mbps (multiple Class of Service options) with fiber delivery
- 4 classes of VLAN service that include best effort, interactive (video), real-time (VoIP), and business-critical
- Tailor the right amount of bandwidth for any data, voice and video application transmission on a single port
- Reduce your overall cost for service
- Help leverage the high bandwidth and scalability of traditional Ethernet
- Optional Service Level Agreement offered (requires Metro Ethernet Reporting Feature)
AT&T Dedicated Internet Access Service (DIA)
Your business needs a robust and flexible solution providing a constant, secure connection to the Internet for email, data streaming or ecommerce applications.
AT&T Dedicated Internet Access provides a constant connection between your company and the Internet.AT&T can install, configure, monitor, and maintain the equipment to make your connection hassle-free. Connections types include:
- Frame Relay
- Multi Link Frame Relay
- Private Line
AT&T Business Internet Services also provide the higher speed and flexibility your growing business needs:
- T1, Fractional T1
- DS3, Fractional DS3
- OC3, Fractional OC3
- AT&T Network Strength
- Outstanding network redundancy
- Proactive Service Level Agreements
- Award winning customer service
- Financial stability
AT&T Frame Relay Service
Your business needs a cost-effective method to connect networks between multiple locations and transmit data at high speeds
AT&T Frame Relay Service offers you an affordable yet fast and flexible data transport option. Frame Relay enables you to transmit data at high speeds while achieving cost-efficiency and performance advantages over other architectures.
- Provides a fast, reliable alternative to dedicated lines
- Choose your data transmission speeds
- Connect LANs, WANs, and other communications equipment at sub-rate DS1, DS1 & DS3 speeds
- Save money by using equipment you already own
Service may not be available in all areas.
AT&T Primary Rate ISDN (PRI) Service
You want the ability to combine voice and data communications with the flexibility to add capacity when your business needs it.
AT&T Primary Rate ISDN (PRI) service uses the public telephone network to carry an all-digital signal that can satisfy your company’s voice and data communications needs in the most efficient, flexible way possible.
With PRI service, you can:
- Combine voice and data communications with the flexibility to add capacity when you need it
- Re-allocate capacity at any time
- Receive caller name and number
- Expect 1.54 Mbps of capacity � the equivalent of a T-1 line
PRI service boasts:
- 23 channels available to support voice, data, and video services that can be easily combined or re-allocated for greater flexibility
- A 24th channel to support signaling between your equipment and the AT&T network
Service may not be available in all areas.
Cingular Wireless® Service from AT&T
INDIVIDUAL Cingular® Nation Business Plan 450 Minutes/ Month
Plan Includes
- Nationwide Mobile to Mobile calling
- 5000 Night & Weekend Minutes
- Anytime minutes with Rollover®
- No Long Distance Charges
- No Roaming Charges
INDIVIDUAL Cingular® Nation Business Plan 900 Minutes/ Month
Plan Includes
- Nationwide Mobile to Mobile calling
- Night & Weekend Minutes
- Anytime minutes with Rollover®
- No Long Distance Charges
- No Roaming Charges
SHARED Cingular® Business Talk Plan 1400 Minutes/ Month
Plan Includes
- Plan pricing includes 2 phones, add up to 3 additional phones for $9.99 each per month
- Nationwide Mobile to Mobile calling
- Night & Weekend Minutes
- Anytime minutes with Rollover®
- No Long Distance Charges
- No Roaming Charges
SHARED Cingular® Business Talk Plan 2100 Minutes/ Month
Plan Includes
- Plan pricing includes 2 phones, add up to 3 additional phones for $9.99 each per month
- Nationwide Mobile to Mobile calling
- Night & Weekend Minutes
- Anytime minutes with Rollover®
- No Long Distance Charges
- No Roaming Charges
Online Backup from AT&T
Safeguard your valuable company data, with secure automated backups.
Did you know?
- “Data loss costs U.S. businesses more than $18 billion a year”
- “Nearly 90% of computer users who had their laptops stolen said the device contained company communications, as well as confidential business and personal information”
- “About 70% of business people have experienced data loss due to accidental deletion, disk or system failure, viruses, fire or some other disaster
Safeguard your company data with Online Backup from AT&T.
Online Backup from AT&T is an affordable solution that provides consistent, automated data protection for your PC. Once the service is installed and you have selected the data to back up, there is nothing else to do to have your files protected each day at a secure off-site location.
Just as your customers rely upon you to deliver results despite an emergency, let AT&T provide that same level of security to your business.
- Efficient, remote data protection
- Comprehensive data security during transport
- Automatic daily backups with user initiated restores
- Off-site protection for business continuity and compliance
- Free technical support
- Convenient monthly billing to your Credit or Debit card
- Easily add or subtract PCs as your business changes
- No setup or initiation fees
Service may not be available in all areas.
Secure Mail
Protect confidential or proprietary information with encrypted email for your business.
Secure your business with Secure Mail from AT&T
Secure Mail from AT&T gives AT&T FastAccess® Business DSL customers the ability to simply and inexpensively send encrypted email to anyone in the world! For as little as $7.95 per month, per email address, you can send unlimited secure email messages to anyone from your Microsoft® Outlook or Outlook® Express email software.
- Messages are encrypted: Industrial grade security is used to encrypt your email
- Easy to use:click the SECURE button to send, and your message is encrypted before it is sent
- Send to anyone:you can send secure email to anyone, whether or not they also subscribe to Secure Mail from AT&T
Business Applications
Secure Mail is critical for small businesses that send sensitive customer information or proprietary business detail. You need Secure Mail from AT&T if you send emails containing:
- Strategic commercial information & proprietary company information
- Financial records, credit card or banking information
- Patient records
- Security information – user IDs, passwords
- Personal information – Social Security Numbers
- Lawyer-client communications
Business Domain Email &Shared Web Hosting
Build an online presence &enhance your business communications.
Whether you’re running a growing small business or just starting out, your employees, customers and suppliers expect professional communications.
AT&T offers Business Domain Email service to get you started with a custom email address. To purchase multiple custom email addresses or host a Web site – then choose a AT&T Web Hosting solution below.
Business Domain Email
AT&T FastAccess® Business DSL and Business DSL Plus customers can sign up for a FREE NEW Domain Name. Business Domain Email service includes –
- New domain name registered for FREE (Example: mygrowingbusiness.com)
- 1 FREE custom email box with 100MB of storage – plus, order now and your set-up fee is waived
- Anti-Spam protection
Features & Benefits
- Reserve your FREE domain name now – Beat the competition by securing the domain name and custom email address for your business and make it easy for your customers to find you
- Manage your email account – Change passwords and view virus/spam activity
- Save time and money – Network-based over an Internet connection eliminates time or money spent on software downloads
- Compatible with your current email client – Business Domain Email works with a web browser or POP/SMTP email clients such as Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express
AT&T Web Hosting service
Take your FREE Domain Name one step further by building a Web presence. You can use your domain name as your Web site address. With a Web Hosting package you also get:
- Additional custom domain email boxes – plans include up to 500 email addresses
- 24x7x365 network & technical support
- Bill to your AT&T bill
Features & Benefits
- A wide selection of plans and features – Our plans are structured to allow you to easily upgrade your site as your needs grow
- AT&T reliability– You can be certain to find the high level of service and stability AT&T is known for
- Flexibility to change your package– Add additional email addresses, bandwidth or disk space as you need
- E-commerce– Start taking orders online today and expand your reach
- Web site design tools – Choose from a variety of applications such as Actual Drawing, Microsoft® FrontPage® or Macromedia® Dreamweaver® to get started.*
PC 2 Go
Remotely access your PC from anywhere on the Internet.
Reach your full business potential with AT&T PC 2 Go Remote Access.
Wherever you work, your desktop is as close as your laptop.
Whether telecommuting from home, working on-site or on the road, AT&T PC 2 Go Remote Access service lets you or your employees connect to your office computer desktop remotely � so everyone can be more productive every day.
With AT&T PC 2 Go Remote Access, you can:
- Connect seamlessly and work securely anywhere with an Internet connection
- Achieve greater efficiency and workflow as if you’re in the office
- Enjoy the flexibility to create more time for your life at home
- Easily add PCs as your business grows
- Get started quickly by following just a few easy steps
Business Applications
PC 2 Go Remote Access gives you the ability to connect to your computer from anywhere on the Internet. It’s safe secure and simple to get started. After three easy steps, you will never be caught without that important file again. No more carrying around limited portable drives. Why settle for a few files, when you can access your entire computer?
Wireless Broadband
Experience the Power and Freedom of Wireless Broadband.
AT&T Wireless Broadband Service provides high-speed Internet access to your home, delivering downstream speeds of up to 1.5 Mbps and up to 384Kbps upstream
Revolutionize your Internet experience with a quicker, easier, more useful connection. AT&T Wireless Broadband Service gives you faster access to the things you love – online shopping, e-mail, digital photos, homework helper, movie trailers, e-tickets and instant news. It’s easy to see the value Wireless Broadband brings to your whole family.
Wireless Networking
Increase productivity by easily delivering high-speed Internet access to every computer and user in your office.
Make networking fast, easy and secure. Increase productivity by delivering high-speed Internet access to every computer and user in your office.
Easy networking. Quick set-up, comprehensive management capabilities and unsurpassed reliability make AT&T wireless routers both powerful and easy to use. The intuitive Web-user interface and installation wizards require little technical expertise.
Improved security and investment protection. Built-in security adds an additional layer of protection to protect data, applications and gateways without the need for costly hardware add-ons. Advanced features support scaled growth while protecting your technology investment.
Business Frame Relay Service
AT&T Business Frame Relay Service offers you an affordable yet fast and flexible data transport option. Frame Relay is a connection-oriented packet mode service that enables you to transmit data at high speeds while achieving cost-efficiency and performance advantages over other architectures.
Sample Applications
- Share text, graphics, and other data over wide geographic areas
- Connect LANs, WANs, and other communications equipment at dial-up DS3 speeds
- Build a flexible network that can grow as your data transport needs increase.
- Provides a fast, reliable alternative to dedicated lines
- Makes it easy to add or delete locations and modify sites
- Allows you to create your own routes and set up permanent virtual circuits-your own series of point-to-point virtual connections-throughout your network
- Provides better performance because it is based on X.25 LAPS standards yet doesn’t require the error correction and control information overhead of the X.25 protocol
- Establishes a “nailed-up” connection between two locations in the network, allowing large variable-length frames to be sent back and forth with very little control information and validation at intermediate nodes
- Includes 24×7 network monitoring and maintenance
- Uses existing equipment
- Choose your data transmission speeds.
- Support more transmissions without adding circuit capacity.
- Save money by using equipment you already own.
- Get more economical LAN-to-LAN solutions.
- Use dedicated access to a shared network, eliminating dedicated links.
- Reduce your operating costs significantly because Frame Relay uses a single-line interface with fewer required ports and no multiple-access lines.
- Add endpoint users easily and for a fraction of what it normally costs to add users.
Business MegaLink Service
AT&T Business MegaLink Service combines with Channel Service to simplify your network. Channel Service lets you avoid the cost of purchasing and maintaining on-premise multiplexing by providing you with up to 24 channels.
- Choose your services. Channel service handles voice, data, facsimile, and video services, changing as your needs change.
- Expand your network. Activate additional circuits as you need them, without building or buying new facilities.
- Save money by using fewer lines. A digital PBX offers data speeds of 1.544 MBPS. These speeds let you handle more data with fewer lines.
- Avoid obsolescence in major equipment because you are using ours. We continually upgrade and enhance our capabilities to ensure the best possible service to you.
- Rely on experts to configure your network. Let AT&T?s experienced professionals ensure that you make best use of your network resources.
Digital Office
AT&T Digital Office is a comprehensive suite of Web-based services from Microsoft bCentral and Rivio, that allows business owners to affordably centralize many of the tools they need to run their business in one online location. Digital Office provides secure, 24 x 7 access to:
- Online marketing and sales tools
- Customer, sales, and account information
- Human Resource information and documentation
Fast Access Business DSL
Up to 50 times faster than a 28.8K dial-up connection
- Up to 1.5MB downstream x 256K upstream
- Up to 50 times faster than a 28.8K dial-up connection
- Talk and surf on the same line at the same time
- No waiting for dial-up access just click and go
- Professional and self-installation options available
- Five e-mail mailboxes and 10MB of personal Web space included, additional addresses available at additional cost
- Static IP addressing and Domain Name Service (DNS) options available
Managed Security
Whether you’re launching an e-business or simply connecting to the Internet, you need a secure infrastructure. A firewall alone isn’t enough to prevent unauthorized intrusions and network misuse. Additionally, security requires expert knowledge, active management, and continuous monitoring. And those are big challenges for any company.
Fortunately, there’s AT&T Managed Security Services (MSS). A result of our partnership with the world’s leading e-business security company – Internet Security Systems (ISS) – AT&T MSS provides a complete suite of security solutions, including:
- Managed Firewall
- Managed VPN
- Intrusion Detection and Response
- Anti-virus and Anti-vandal Filtering
- Web Site Blocking
- Subscription-based Security Scanning
Our flexible and modular security architecture enables you to tailor service to meet your needs. As your requirements change and grow, you can easily add more protection as needed.
Managed Firewall
Managed Firewall is available in a variety of configurations. to secure your Dedicated Internet Access or DSL connections. With this complete turnkey service for businesses large or small, we configure, install, monitor and maintain the firewall 24X7 to keep your Internet gateway secure.
Managed VPN
Managed VPN Service provides a cost-effective way to extend communications to remote workers, remote sites and partners while ensuring the data being exchanged is carefully screened and safeguarded. Supporting large or small businesses, we provide the equipment, monitoring and management so you can focus on your core business initiatives.
Intrusion Detection and Response
Intrusion Detection and Response discreetly monitors network traffic to detect suspicious activity and stop attacks. Real-time monitoring of intrusion detection engines enables quick response to security violations and network misuse.
Anti-virus and Anti-vandal Filtering
Anti-virus and Anti-vandal Filtering protects against viruses and malicious code by scanning and cleaning email attachments, file transfers, and Web traffic. Service includes 24X7 monitoring, proactive administration and maintenance.
Web Site Blocking
Web Site Blocking enforces your Internet usage policy. This service tightly integrates with our Managed Firewall service to curtail unproductive web surfing and reduce corporate liability.
Subscription-based Security Scanning
This scanning service provides regularly recurring remotely deployed scans of your Internet-accessible devices. Available on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis, it includes reports on findings regarding vulnerabilities and recommendations for addressing them.
Completing the Security Package
AT&T MSS offers a best-of-breed package of seasoned security professionals, proven practices, state-of-the-art hardware, sophisticated software, and 24×7 support-all backed by comprehensive Service Level Agreements (SLAs) guaranteeing response times on change requests, monitoring, and more. Value is further enhanced by our Security Management System, which gives you near real-time access to your active security policy, security or event logs, online reports, and service requests.
900 MHz digital Single-Line cordless Caller ID/Call Waiting phone.
- Spare battery charger with power backup enables use of the telephone when power is out.
- Easy-to-read, back-lit display and handset keypad.
- Optional backup battery.
- Optional backup battery.
- And much more.
900 MHz Single-Line, Caller ID/Call Waiting phone with speakers and keypad in both the handset and base unit.
- Intercom/handset locator.
- Backup battery charger with power backup enables use of the telephone when power is out.
- Easy-to-read, back-lit handset keypad and display.
- Optional back-up battery available.
- And much more.
Additional 2.4 GHz speaker handset for model 2421 multi-handset, 4-line phone.
- Page/Intercom between handsets.
- Speakerphone in handset.
- Easy-to-read, backlit display and keypad.
- Headset compatible.
- Fully featured for complete mobility.
Multi-handset 4-line, 2.4 GHz with handset speakerphone. Supports up to 12 handsets from one base unit and only one phone jack.
- 2.4 GHz delivers superior range,clarity, and voice quality.
- 3-way conference call capability.
- Intercom between handsets.
- Page and call transfer buttons.
- Hold reminder feature.
- Headset compatible.
- AUX Data port supports FAX machine.
- Easy to read, back-lit keypad.
- And much more….
Additional 2.4 GHz handset for Model 2432 multi-handset Single-Line phone.
- Charger base plugs into any electrical outlet; does not require phone jack when Model 2432 is installed.
- Handset speakerphone.
- Headset compatible (2.5mm).
- Hearing aid compatible.
- Easy-to-read, back-lit display and handset keypad.
- Page button handset locator.
- And much more….
Multi-handset, 2.4 GHz, Single-Line handset with Full-Duplex base speakerphone. Supports up to 4 handsets from one base unit and only one phone jack.
- Full Duplex base speakerphone for simultaneous communication without voice clipping.
- Handset speakerphone for maximum mobility.
- Back-lit Caller ID display and handset keypad.
- Page button handset locator and intercom features.
- Headset compatible (2.5mm).
- Dual battery charging system with power back up.
- Second battery optional.
- And much more.
Additional 2.4 GHz handset for Model 2652 multi-handset Single-Line phone. No phone jack is required.
- Charger base plugs into any electrical outlet; does not require phone jack when Model 2652 is installed.
- Handset speakerphone.
- Headset compatible (2.5mm).
- Hearing aid compatible.
- Easy-to-read, back-lit display and handset keypad.
- Page button handset locator.
- And much more.
Expandable multi-handset 2.4GHz DSS system with Full-Duplex base speakerphone. Supports up to 3 additional handsets (sold separately) with only one phone jack. Additional handsets give flexibility for growing your business, intercom capability and a full-featured telephone in areas where a telephone jack is not available. Feature rich including Voice Announce CID, speakerphone in the cordless handset and one touch dial up and navigation through voicemail.
- Voice Caller ID Announcement.
- Full Duplex base speakerphone for simultaneous communication without voice clipping.
- Handset speakerphone for maximum mobility.
- Back-lit Caller ID display and handset keypad.
- Page button handset locator and intercom features.
- Headset compatible (2.5mm).
- Dual battery charging system with power back up.
- Second battery optional.
- And much more.
Maximum Feature PhoneSingle Line 2.4 GHz DSS phone with voicemail screening, call transfer and missed callnotification (via pager). Speakerphone and CID screen on both handset and base.
- 2 phones in 1/w speakerphone and Caller ID on both base and portable handset.
- Comes with 2 batteries-for back up and power outage.
- Call dispositions
- Real time Voicemail screening
- Intercom, hold/mute functions, and one touch access to features.
- 50 name and number Callers List/downloadable directory.
- Caller ID paging-know who is calling even away from the office.
2-line, digital, cordless Caller ID phone with an additional speaker in the handset that allows conference calls anywhere.
- Speaker in handset and base unit.
- 50 name/number phonebook.
- Easy-to-read, back lit Caller ID display.
- Dual battery charging system with power back up and optional battery.
- Intercom/handset locator.
- Headset compatible (2.5mm).
- And much more…..
371 Addtional Headset for 373
Additional 2.4 GHz handset for Model 373 multi-handset 2-line phone. No phone jack is required.
- Handset works only with the 2-Line Cordless Phone System purchased through AT&T
- Works off any electrical outlet-no jack required, so it can be placed in a convenient location
- Intercom capability between base unit
373 Cordless 2-line Phone System
Expandable multi-handset 2.4GHz 2-line system with Full-Duplex base speakerphone. Supports up to8 additional handsets (sold separately) with only one phone jack. Additional handsets give flexibility for growing your business, intercom capability and a full-featured telephone in areas where a telephone jack is not available. Feature rich including Voice Announce CID, speakerphone in the cordless handset, walkie-talkie functionalityand a backup battery which will allow the phone to work with power failure!
- Expandable 2-line Phone System.
- 2-line operation.
- Expandable up to 8 handsets (sold separately).
- Call Disposition-direct incoming calls while on the phone.
- Voice Announce-talking Caller ID
- Permanent Caller ID memory-no batteries required
- Billed Services key for 3-Way Calling, Auto Call Back and Repeat Dialing Options
- 2.4 GHz Digital Spread Spectrum Technology.
- Speakerphone on handset and base.
- Handset to Handset two-way intercom and walkie-talkie capability away from the office.
- 50 Name/Number Caller ID and Directory.
- Spare Battery with Charger, Data Port.
This 4-line phone is the one for you if you need several lines for your business. It’s like having a receptionist as an added feature, doing the phone juggling for you. It’s headset compatible and easy to use with ten memory keys for one touch access to twenty frequently dialed numbers along with advanced network services such Caller ID and Call Waiting Caller ID.
- Four separate lines with station conferencing key.
- Caller ID and Call Waiting display.
- 200-name and number Call Log.
- 200-name and number downloadable directory.
- Ten programmable memory keys for twenty frequently called numbers.
- Headset compatible.
- Auto redial.
- Message Waiting indicator.
- Visual ringing/extension-in-use/hold indicator with hold reminder.
- Manual Line Select capability
- Optional paging key.
- Do not disturb key.
- Flash key.
- Handset, Headset, Speakerphone and Ringer Volume controls.
Full Duplex technology conference speakerphone provides professional quality, simultaneous communication without voice clipping only 7″ in diameter.
- Utilizes the latest Digital Signal Processing.
- Sensitive dual microphone.
- Mute/hold/online indicator light.
- Mute button allows you to have a private conversation with your team while listening to the person on the other end of the line.
- Stores 32 names/numbers in its Phone Book.
- Ideal for areas or rooms up to 150 square feet or in larger rooms with participants who are within 150 square feet.
2-line speakerphone with Caller ID/Call Waiting.
- Caller ID display.
- Easy-to-read, back-lit screen.
- 100 name and number Caller ID memory.
- 100 number personal directory.
- And much more…..
Digital Phone with Caller ID/Call Waiting and Answering Machine in charcoal or almond.
- 75 name and number directory and Caller ID log.
- Integrated Digital Answering Machine.
- 9 personal and 3 special mailboxes.
- Voice announce for incoming calls.
- 75 name/number directory.
- Hands-free speakerphone.
- Hearing aid compatible.
- And much more.
Voice Announce Caller ID/Call Waiting unit lets you hear the name and/or number of the caller before you answer.
- Announces the caller’s phone number or name through the built-in speaker.
- Announcements are not heard by callers.
- Personalize up to 20 names with your own description that you will hear when that number/person calls.
- Attach to existing phone via duplex line adapter for maximum convenience.
Large screen, add-on Caller ID/Call Waiting unit makes reading the Caller ID information from a distance easier.
- Large, easy to read display with backlighting.
- Can be used in conjunction with a telephone with a smaller screen by attaching the unit to a duplex line adapter. Available with your order.
- 99 name and number memory.
Pager-sized, 900 MHz, cordless, light-weight headset phone provides the ultimate in hands-free mobility.
- For businesses that answer all calls and do not need to see who is calling (does not have Caller ID display).
- Key pad direction faces the user when on a belt for easier and more convenient dialing.
- Same size as a small pager (phone measures 3 1/4″ x 1 3/4″).
- Light weight, clips on belt or pocket.
- Ability to upgrade to an optional higher-end headset and additional volume controls in the line cord (see hands-free headset M175)
Headset mini phone with CID
Plantronics single-line 2.4GHz cordless headset telephone. The small size provides mobility, comfort andflexibility with the convenience on CallerID. The noise cancelling microphone ensures clear conversations.
- Single-line system with 2.4GHz technology that delivers superior range
- 5.5 hours continuous talk time, 10 days standby
- 10-number speed dial, redial and volume control/mute
- Digital spread spectrum for increased security
- 100 caller ID/memory locations
Hands-free headset for cellular and cordless phones with mute and volume controls.
- Allows hands-free productivity in the office or on-the-run.
- Microphone has superior clarity.
- Choice of wearing over the ear or over the head.
- Adapter may be required for cellular phones.
Bluetooth Headset The Plantronics M2500 is a discreet and stylish Bluetooth ® headset that’s perfect for anyone on the go or with a desire to be wireless and hands free with a Bluetooth enabled mobile telephone, PDA, Blackberry or computer.
Caller ID/Call Waiting, Single-Line speakerphone with Call Waiting Deluxe options that can send the waiting caller a message asking them to hold, add the incoming caller into your conversation, send the call to voice mail, or take the waiting call.
- Easy-to-read, large back-lit screen displays caller and directory information.
- On-screen prompts make using all features easy.
- 100 name and number Caller ID memory.
- 200 name and number personal directory.
- Headset compatible.
- And much more.
Hands-free headset connects to almost any corded phone to provide additional work flexibility.
- Superior sound quality.
- Option to use either over the head configuration or over the ear mode.
- Mute button feature.
- Switch from handset to headset at the touch of a button.
- For use with almost any corded phone.
- Includes headset and amplifier.
Venture 3
Venture Three Line Caller ID/Call Waiting Deluxe Phone.
- 200 name and number directory and Caller ID log.
- Service list stores the codes for 20 service features.
- Speaker phone with full duplex speaker – no clipping or tunnel effect.
- Message waiting/extension in use indicator.
- Enhanced feature adapter provides music on hold, call detail recording and a fax switch (adapter sold separately).
- And much more….
Additional Business Phone Lines
These days, opportunity doesn’t just knock. It calls, faxes, clicks and e-mails
The more lines you add to your business, the more you can save
- Add 1-2 lines
- Add 3-4 lines
- Add 5 or more lines
Business Voice Mail Service
Description &Features
- Continuous – Captures voice messages 24 hours a day, even while you’re on the phone.
- Practical – Gives callers the option to reach a receptionist is necessary
- Smart – Notifies your pager when you receive any voice messages, or just urgent ones.
- Dependable – Send and reply to messages in your office and local community.
- Versatile – Send and receive messages from remote locations.
- Flexible – Works with your Cingular® Wireless service and landline phone to integrate voice messages.
Business Benefits
- Convenient – Receive voice messages even while your making or receiving calls.
- Resourceful – Avoid sending busy signals to your customers when you’re on the phone.
- Improve Efficiency – Run your business more efficiently with the power to send and receive messages outside of the office.
- Increase Response Time – Receive pager notification when new messages are delivered so you can return the call more quickly.
- Economical – Pay one flat rate for complete messaging services.
In order for your AT&T Voice Mail Service to work, you need to order at least one Call Forwarding option. The Call Forwarding feature of your choice, along with Message Waiting Indicator, will ensure that you’ll get the full benefit from AT&T Voice Mail Service for Business.
Calling Features
Avoid Missed Calls
- Call Waiting
Notifies you of incoming calls when you’re already on the phone. - Message Waiting Indicator
Alerts you to new messages with a stutter dial tone. - Message Waiting Indicator with Audio Visual
A flashing light and special stutter tone when you pick up the phone lets you know if you have messages. - Call Return
By dialing *69 on your phone, Call Return enables you to identify and call back your most recent caller.
Forward Calls
- Call Forwarding
Go where you want without missing an important call. Forward your incoming calls to another number – even to a long distance number. - Remote Access to Call Forwarding
With Remote Access to Call Forwarding, you can control your Call Forwarding feature from any touch tone phone. - Call Forwarding Don’t Answer
Forwards your calls, when you can’t answer, to your voice mail or other number so you never miss a call.
*This is one of the forwarding features compatible with AT&T Voice Mail Service. - Call Forwarding Busy Line
Call Forwarding Busy Line sends calls to voice mail or to another number when your line is busy.*This is one of the forwarding features compatible with AT&T Voice Mail Service.
Screen Calls
- Caller ID Deluxe
Caller ID Deluxe provides the name and number of your callers so you can anticipate customer needs and provide more personal service. - Enhanced Caller ID
Provides Caller ID, Call Waiting, and gives you the name and number of any incoming calls when you’re already on the phone. - RingMaster® Service- 1 Additional Telephone Number
RingMaster service provides an additional telephone number with its own distinctive ring-all on your existing line. - RingMaster® Service- 2 Additional Telephone Numbers
RingMaster service provides two additional telephone numbers with their own distinctive rings and call waiting tones on your existing line. - Call Tracing
Call Tracing helps you put an end to annoying phone calls. - Call Block
Use this feature to block calls from specific unwanted numbers.
Save Time
- Three-way Calling with Transfer
Talk to two people at one time with only one phone line. - Repeat Dialing
Use when you call someone and get a busy signal. Repeat dialing will try the number you called for 30 minutes. - Speed Calling 8
Speed Calling 8 makes dialing faster by allowing you to assign a one or two-digit code to 8 different telephone numbers. - Speed Calling 30
Speed Calling 30 makes dialing faster by allowing you to assign a one or two-digit code to 30 complete telephone numbers. - Star 98 (*98)
Star 98 allows you to access your voice mail by dialing *98 on your phone. You can access both new and saved messages.
Toll Free Grow your business with AT&T Business Easy Toll Free service by making it easy for your customers to get in touch and stay in touch. | Term Agreements Save up to 14% on your long distance usage by signing a term plan agreement. Term plan agreements are available on select AT&T Long Distance plans. | Calling Cards AT&T Business Corporate Calling Cards make it simple to phone customers and coworkers when you’re out of the office. |
AT&T Answers® With AT&T Answers® bundles for Small Business, you can get all the services you need – all on one bill – and enjoy significant savings. | Additional Lines Grow your business and compliment your long distance service with additional lines from AT&T | AT&T Select® Earn points for the AT&T services you use every day – including AT&T Long Distance service – and redeem for valuable rewards! |
AT&T Long Distance Service for Business
Domestic Unlimited plans
- Call anytime, anywhere in the U.S.
- One flat, monthly rate
- Competitively priced toll free option
Domestic Per Minute plans
- Easy to manage calling plans
- Same rate 24×7 instate or across U.S.
- Toll free service option matches per minute rate on these plans
Domestic Package Minutes plans
- Choose from four plans ranging from 500-5000 monthly package minutes
International plans
- Low competitive rates available 24/7
Additional Information
Calling Cards
Convenient and easy to use – anywhere you go!
- Get Individual Cards – it’s convenient, it makes expense tracking easy, and it’s secure: assign a unique Personal Identification Number (PIN) to each card
- Save time and keep it simple – charges are itemized on your monthly AT&T phone bill!
Term Agreements
Save up to an additional 14% on your long distance usage. AT&T Long Distance offers the following term plan options:
- 12-Month term plan – 5% discount
- 24-Month term plan – 8% discount
- 36-Month term plan – 14% discount
Toll Free
Make it easy for your customers to reach you!
- Expand your reach and grow your business with a toll free number
- Make it easy for customers and traveling employees to contact your business
- Already have a toll free number? You can bring your number with you!
AT&T Answers®
Build the perfect bundle for your business and save
When you combine your services with AT&T Answers® bundles for small business, you save. See just how much by choosing a bundle below and clicking the Get Quote button at the bottom.
AT&T Complete Choice for Business
New and existing AT&T Small Business customers can take advantage of AT&T Complete Choice for Business packages to maximize the effectiveness and flexibility of their communication services.
AT&T Complete Choice for Business allows you to create a unique package of AT&T Products to best suit your needs. You combine the products and services on one convenient bill. Your choices include:
- Business Lines (Required)
- Calling Features (Required)
- Messaging and Maintenance (Optional)
- Internet, Wireless, Paging (Optional)
- Term Plan Agreement (Optional)
Benefits Include:
- A wide choice of calling features included in a flat rate price. Choose the latest in technology to increase your company’s effectiveness.
- Flexibility in changing your calling features at any time. Add or subtract features at any time during you’re your service according to your needs.
- Eligibility for credits on Paging and Internet Service when you add these services to create a AT&T Business Solutions package.
- A simplified billing process. All of your chosen products and features will appear on a single bill.
Create your AT&T Business Solutions Package by following these easy steps:
- Indicate your service location.
- Choose the products you need.
- Provide your service and billing information.
- Review and submit your order.
- Confirm and complete your order with a AT&T representative
Co-location Service
When you need a reliable, robust, and secure infrastructure to support your business applications, host your equipment within a AT&T e-Business Center
Basic Co-location service
The lowest cost co-location plan is for customers with budget and resources to manage their own servers within the robust, secure AT&T e-Business Center and network environment. With this level of service, customers will manage servers, hardware and software, while AT&T monitors servers and the network within the e-Business Center.
Premium Co-location Service
When you need a reliable, robust, and secure infrastructure to support your business applications, host your equipment within a AT&T e-Business Center. AT&T allows you to maximize your existing technology investments without incurring additional expenses for new facilities and staff.
Advantages include:
- Scalability to support your business growth
- Speed to market, with the ability to meet your market window
- Monitoring, maintenance, and capacity management, including notification of hardware failures
- Charges based on a per rack/cage/server basis
High Performance Options for Premium Co-location Web Hosting customers.
AT&T also offers the following:
- AT&T Server Clustering– a high availability service option for AT&T Managed Dedicated and Premium Co-location hosting customers. The service allows multiple servers to redundantly connect to multiple storage devices, ensuring customers’ data is highly available and reducing system and applications downtime.
- AT&T Global Load Balancing– optimizes traffic between customer servers in multiple locations, enhancing the reliability and performance for enterprises hosting e-commerce or mission critical applications. This service is ideal for large businesses with mission critical data who want to keep servers in multiple locations and want the assurance of data availability and integrity. Global Load Balancing is a valuable supplement to AT&T current hosting services, which include Managed Dedicated Web Hosting, as well as Basic and Premium Co-location.
Web Hosting
AT&T Unix based shared web hosting plans represent your best choice for stability, features and functionality at a price level that is more affordable than you might think.
Coupled with the following AT&T “must-haves”, our Unix Shared Web Hosting plans are the choice in shared Unix Hosting
- Market leading bandwidth.
- 99.9% Server Uptime Guaranteed.
- 24×365 Technical Support.
- Convenient billing to your AT&T Telephone Number or credit card.
- Easy to manage month-to-month contracts.
- A reputation for excellence built on reliability, stability and customer service.
So whether you are new to the web or just looking for better provider, we are confident that our variety of offerings and quality of service will meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
AT&T Site Builder
In business today you are either on the “Net” or out of the game. In the past, powerful e-commerce solutions were available only to large businesses with lots of time, money and dedicated technical resources. With AT&T Site Builder, that has changed. AT&T Site Builder provides the technology to easily manage everything from a professional services office to an online mega-store
Create your site in minutes using one of the more than 50 individually tunable templates available with AT&T Site Builder. Our online e-commerce portal – eBusinessWalk.com – offers an established buying community while easy to manage upgrades offer advanced options for you as your business grows. Top it off with the following “must have” hosting services and AT&T Site Buildercan not be beat.
- Unlimited bandwidth.
- Guaranteed server uptime.
- 24×365 Technical Support.
- Convenient billing to your AT&T Telephone Number or credit card.
- Affordable and easy to manage month-to-month contracts.
- A reputation for excellence built on reliability, stability and customer service.
Business Solutions
New and existing AT&T Small Business customers can take advantage of AT&T Business Solutions package to maximize the effectiveness and flexibility of your phone and communication services.
AT&T Business Solutions allows you to create a unique package of AT&T Products to best suit your needs:
- Number of Lines
- Calling Features
- Maintenance Services
- Messaging Service
- Wireless, Paging, and/or Internet Services
Benefits include:
- A wide choice of calling features included in a flat rate price. Choose the latest in technology to increase your company’s effectiveness.
- Flexibility in changing your calling features at any time. Add or subtract features at any time during you?re your service according to your needs.
- Eligibility for credits on Paging and Internet Service with AT&T Business Solutions.
- A simplified billing process. All of your chosen products and features will appear on a single bill.
Wireless Email
Communicate with other 2way devices, e-mail accounts, and text-capable cell phones
Features and Benefits
- Communicate with other 2way devices, e-mail accounts, and text-capable cell phones
- Easily send messages to multiple addresses
- Billing Convenience — Service and device costs appear on your AT&T bill
- Save time — Program your signature to automatically appear
- Send and receive messages nationwide with confirmed message delivery
- Receive instant updates on news headlines, stock prices, sports scores, weather reports